Triple Goddess Hecate
Hecate is the Moon Goddess and the link between the mundane and the spiritual world. She is often depicted with a rope in her triformus aspect. The cords are the connections between the two worlds. Without the cord, newborns cannot function in the mundane world, and without the cord, dying souls cannot return to the spiritual realm. She also protects the earth from evil forces. She has a close relationship to the twin goddesses Diana and Artemis.

The triple goddess is associated with the underworld and with the crossroads. Hence, many underworld deities are capable of crossing over into the physical realm. In the ancient times, the triple goddess was depicted with three separate bodies around a central column. In more recent centuries, she has been reduced to a single figure with three heads. However, in the esoteric literature, she is depicted as a beautiful woman, with a knife between her hands.
As a Triple Goddess, Hecate is often portrayed as the wise Crone, with many years of experience and great magick. In mythology, the Crone is the darkest aspect of the Moon and closest to the death-rebirth phase. The Threefold Goddess is one of the most popular figures in the Greek pantheon, but she is not as widely known as the other two. There are, however, several ways to work with Hecate.
Hecate is the mother of the underworld, and is linked to the creation of medicine and poison. She is the teacher of Medea and is known as the Queen of the Underworld. In the Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes, she is described as a mother who taught Medea. Likewise, she appears in fragments of Sophocles’ play, The Lyceum. Hecate wears an oak with serpents coiling through its branches.
The Goddess Hecate is commonly depicted as having three figures, one behind the other, with each figure holding a torch. She is a torch-bearing goddess, and she is associated with the realms of the night and the light of the Moon. The only way to know where she lives is to find her in the shadows. She is also known as the protector of the Earth and her children.
Hecate is also associated with hunting and the moon. She is associated with many different herbs and animals, and is often represented as three-dimensional. The Goddess is associated with many animals and concepts, such as those associated with the oikos, which are both important for the protection of the earth and of women. It is thought that Hecate is closely connected to the moon and the Earth, and with the hunter and her companion.
Hecate has been associated with the wild since ancient times. She has been seen as a powerful warrior and a protector of women. She was also associated with the crossroads, which were the crossroads where people went to meet their loved ones. The goddess is a powerful force in nature, and is a strong ally for those who are undergoing hardship. Moreover, she possesses a great deal of magical powers and is a goddess of magic.
Although Hecate was initially associated with witchcraft, she was eventually associated with the moon and with witchcraft. She was often portrayed with the moon and the dark moon, and was a goddess of the underworld. The Roman gods, Selene, and Artemis, were also associated with the moon, but Hecate was particularly associated with the dark and shadowy moon. She is also often a powerful protector of women.
Although Hecate is associated with the underworld, she is also associated with warriors. Her mother, Leto, is the goddess of the underworld, and she cares for things other people would find hideous. She protects those who have a similar nature. So, when you pray to Hecate, you’ll feel the presence of the dead goddess, and her wrath is not far behind. If you ask her to protect you, she will do it.
The three forms of Hecate are very different. She takes on three different forms in ancient art. The three forms help her learn secrets and unlock doors. She helps women, witches, and children. The goddess also possesses three other forms that represent different aspects of her life. In addition to the incarnation of Hecate, she is also associated with the moon. The phases of the moon are the basis for mythology and religion.