How to Do a Tarot Reading For Sagittarius
When you’re curious about how to do a tarot reading, you may not be sure which cards to pick. There are 78 cards and 22 major arcana cards to choose from. Learn more about these cards and their characteristics below. Also, learn about the Optimism and Temperance signs. You’ll also learn about each card’s significance for the sagittarius personality.

78 cards
Whether you’re a Sagittarius seeking love or a Sag sign seeking a deeper meaning, there’s a card to suit your needs. The Hermit card represents inner wisdom, which comes from within. It’s typically depicted by an old man, who is weary of the world and longs to remain as innocent as a child. Justice is the next card in your reading, and it asks you to weigh your desires against your needs. You may need to set aside your emotions and seek to learn the truth.
The Lovers card represents choices and matters of the heart. This card often leads Gemini straight to the heart of the matter. It’s a symbol of dual nature, and it’s helpful for Sagittarius to remember that the card represents two sides of every situation. In general, the Lovers card is helpful for interpreting a situation that involves choices. In addition, the Lovers card will help Sagittarius to stay true to their own integrity.

Tarot decks consist of 78 cards. The Major Arcana has 22 “name” cards. The Minor Arcana contains four suits corresponding to the four elements of the zodiac. Each card has different meanings. A Sagittarius Tarot reading will reveal how each suit affects the person. It will also reveal what is happening in a person’s life right now.
22 major arcana cards
The first two Major Arcana cards for a Tarot reading for Sagittarius are the Fool and the Sun. These cards represent the sign’s creativity and imagination, respectively. The Fool is also the first card in the Major Arcana. This card resonates with the number zero, the master number in numerology. It can show you your current destiny.
The Temperance card is associated with the Archangel Michael, and represents a strong sense of moderation and balance. This card also represents a strong will and a strong, stable character. It also shows that the Sagittarius energy is both compassionate and ruthless. Often, it comes with a position of leadership. However, this does not mean that a Sagittarius cannot work with their strengths.
The Sagittarius Tarot represents a sensitive nature, a gifted mediator, and the ability to overcome obstacles. The Major Arcana cards contain symbolism and hidden mysteries, while the Minor Arcana is a more everyday selection, with four suits and fourteen cards. These two sets of cards can be used together for a Sagittarius Tarot reading.
Taurus’s other astrological sign is the Hierophant. The Hierophant represents wisdom, tradition, and spirituality. In general, Taurus loves to go slow and steady. While stubborn, this characteristic aligns well with the traditional vibes of the Hierophant. If you’re interested in getting a Tarot reading for Sagittarius, this is the astrological sign for you.

Optimism in a sagittarius tarot reading can be a boon. As the sign of Jupiter, Sagittarius is fortunate. But its perennial optimism can easily lead to delusion. Though Sagittarius is blessed by Jupiter, it can take its good fortune for granted. If you are a Sagittarius, you should remember that optimism can be contagious, and you should not underestimate the power of optimism.
The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives at 2:20 AM on Friday. This positive energy is amplified by Jupiter and the Sun, both of which are in Sagittarius. The New Moon in Sagittarius is an ideal day to create a vision and send intentions. Make the most of the energy this transit provides you and your Sagittarius.
Optimism in a sagittarius tarot reading for Sagittariuses should be accompanied by a dose of cynicism. A Sagittarius with an optimistic disposition is likely to be a highly intelligent person who enjoys intellectual stimulation. They also tend to be compassionate and outgoing. And they are the most likely to seek help when needed.
Sagittarius with an optimistic outlook will be in a position to make a new start. This week, the best way to stay motivated is to break free of limiting beliefs and do something new. Take the opportunity to explore new hobbies, make new connections, and experience the world. The path ahead may be uncertain, but this attitude can help you move forward. You can also take on new challenges and projects if you remain optimistic.
The tarot card Temperance represents balance and harmony in life, and it corresponds to the mutable fire sign Sagittarius. As such, the card’s meaning aligns with Sagittarius’s philosophical and truth-seeking nature. Temperance teaches us that our actions should be balanced with our thoughts, so that we can move forward with confidence and purpose.
The image of temperance is the fusion of dissimilar elements into something harmonious and new. It encourages us to change our ways and embrace a more balanced life. The card also invites us to explore new ways of being and acquiring new knowledge. The Sagittarius archer is often associated with the rainbow, which consists of the seven colours that make up our visible solar system.
The King of Pentacles represents outspokenness and confidence. The Queen of Pentacles represents earth energy, and her throne is decorated with angels and goats. The overall representation of the throne is deep green, which aligns with the characteristics of the sign Sagittarius. This sign also represents independence and self-determination.
The angel of Temperance is the helping spirit. Like Virgil in Dante’s Inferno, this angel supports the Sagittarius in his continuing development. He is the ray of hope after a long underworld journey. Temperance also represents the desire to find balance. The angel of Temperance may appear in a tarot reading for Sagittarius
Impulsiveness is a common theme when doing a tarot reading of Sagittarius. This sign is very restless and wants to explore the world. However, they tend to lack focus and will not care if they are hurting other people or making a mistake. Sagittarius is also known for spending money recklessly and getting themselves into a mess. While Jupiter is known to bail them out in many cases, it’s not a good idea to be impulsive around Sagittarius.
If you are a beginner in tarot reading for Sagittariuses, you may want to start with a card that represents their impulsiveness. You may find that impulseiveness is an important theme when you’re working with a Sagittarian. This card can indicate that they don’t think through their actions and are easily pushed to action by others.
Impulsiveness in tarot readings for Sagittarius is another important characteristic to consider. Aries tend to blurt out what’s on their mind without thinking it through. This brutal honesty can lead to misunderstandings, which may lead to an embarrassing outcome. Often, Aries don’t even mean to hurt you, but they may not realize that they’re wrong until after the fact.
In a tarot reading for Sagitarius, the card of Accountability can indicate a task-master focus. This sign’s ambitions and high expectations may drive it to extremes. But despite its name, the astrological meaning of the Justice card goes much deeper. It indicates the importance of accountability in the world. As such, the Justice card can be both a blessing and a curse.
Accountability is also important in a Sagittarius relationship. The two sign are highly compatible and can do just about anything together. However, they can be easily distracted. They are aspirational and seek freedom. They may become irritable if they are faced with their flaws, so they are best left exploring the world as a couple. And while a Sagittarius may have an idealistic streak, the Sagittarius is likely to be equally as responsible.
The negative Sagittarius has a particularly strong reaction to criticism. It may even become physical if criticized. It may also take on the form of imbecile behavior. In any case, the Sagittarius will defend his or her beliefs with vigor. It is difficult for the Sagittarius gal to hear facts that contradict her beliefs. Therefore, the Sagittarius card can reveal an underlying aversion to responsibility.