Soulmate Spells

If you’re seeking to attract a soulmate into your life, this spell can help you do just that. By focusing your energy and intention on calling in your ideal partner, you can manifest a relationship that is aligned with your highest good and most authentic self. This spell uses the power of visualization, intention-setting, and candle magic to bring a soulmate into your life.

Soulmate Spell


Pink or red candle
Rose petals
Lavender essential oil
Small piece of paper
Pen or pencil


Set your intention: 
Sit in a quiet space and focus on your intention for the spell. 
Visualize yourself being deeply in love with your soulmate.

Prepare your materials: 
Light the pink or red candle and place it in front of you. 
Sprinkle the rose petals around the candle. 
Place the piece of paper and pen or pencil next to you.

Cast your circle: 
Create a sacred space and cast your circle using your preferred method.

Write your intention: 
On the piece of paper, write your intention for the spell. 
For example, "I attract my soulmate who loves and accepts me for who I am."

Anoint the candle: 
Using the lavender essential oil, anoint the candle by rubbing a few drops of oil onto the top of the candle and visualizing your intention as you do so.

Focus your energy: 
Take a deep breath and focus your energy on your intention. 
Hold the piece of paper with your intention in one hand and the candle in the other.

Light the candle: 
Light the candle and hold the piece of paper with your intention over the flame. 
Visualize the flame igniting your intention and filling you with positive energy.

Burn the paper: 
Once the paper has been slightly burnt, place it in a fire-safe container and let it burn down completely. 
As it burns, visualize your intention becoming stronger and more vibrant.

Express gratitude: 
Thank the universe, your spirit guides, or any other higher power that you believe in for their assistance in manifesting your intention.

Close your circle: 
Close your circle using your preferred method and ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths.

Remember to keep an open mind and heart, and trust that the universe will bring your soulmate to you in divine timing.
soulmate sketch

Sometimes, it can feel like finding your soulmate is a daunting and impossible task. But with the right mindset and a little bit of magic, you can open yourself up to the possibility of love and connection with a soulmate. This spell involves creating a charm bag filled with herbs, crystals, and symbols that are aligned with the energy of love and attraction. By carrying this charm with you, you can amplify your own energy and increase your chances of finding your soulmate.

Spell for Finding a Soulmate


Pink candle
Rose petals
Lavender oil
Small piece of paper
Pen or pencil


Set your intention: 
Find a quiet space and focus on your intention to find your soulmate. 
Visualize yourself with your ideal partner, feeling loved and happy.

Prepare your materials: 
Light the pink candle and place it in front of you. 
Sprinkle the rose petals around the candle. 
Place the piece of paper and pen or pencil next to you.

Cast your circle: 
Create a sacred space and cast your circle using your preferred method.

Write your intention: 
On the piece of paper, write your intention for the spell. For example, "I call upon my soulmate to find me and fill my life with love."

Anoint the candle: 
Using the lavender oil, anoint the candle by rubbing a few drops of oil onto the top of the candle and visualizing your intention as you do so.

Focus your energy: 
Take a deep breath and focus your energy on your intention. 
Hold the piece of paper in your hand and visualize yourself with your soulmate.

Light the candle: 
Light the pink candle and hold the piece of paper with your intention over the flame. 
Visualize the flame igniting your intention and sending it out into the universe.

Express gratitude: 
Thank the universe, your spirit guides, or any other higher power that you believe in for their assistance in manifesting your intention.

Close your circle: 
Close your circle using your preferred method and ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths.

Repeat this spell as often as you like until you feel your soulmate has been found. 
Remember to keep an open mind and heart, and trust in the universe to bring the perfect partner into your life.

Soulmate spells can be powerful tools in attracting and manifesting love into our lives. Whether we are seeking to strengthen a current relationship or calling in a new partner, the use of intention, visualization, and symbolism can create a potent energy for attracting love and finding our soulmate.

If you’re ready to find your soulmate, our guide on Soulmate Sketch can help you manifest true love with ease.

Remember to always approach these spells with a pure heart and a clear intention, trusting that the universe will bring us the love we deserve. With patience, faith, and a little bit of magic, we can attract the love we desire and find our soulmate.

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