Materials needed:
White candle
Fire-proof vessel
Writing utensil
Purifying oils
Begin the ritual by taking a hot bath with purifying oils added to the water. Oils to try would be lemon and eucalyptus. Have the white candle lit in the bathroom with you. Visualize the negativity leaving your body and mingling in the water. Visualize this negativity being cleansed and returning to you in a positive form. Once you feel calm and at peace, dress in a special robe or article of clothing. If you choose to remain sky clad that is also fine. With the candle walk to your front door. You will be purifying each entrance to your home moving clockwise throughout the house or apartment. While walking chant:
Darkness flee from this light
Be gone from my sight
Once all entrances have been purified, find a comfortable place in your home to finish the rest of the ritual. In this place you should have enough room for you to lay down comfortably. It is also necessary to be within sight of the white candle, so pick an area where fire hazards would be at a minimum.
You will first need to cleanse yourself of any negative emotions that may have built up over the years. Write down these feelings on the paper. Be honest and specific. Do not stop until you feel you have expressed it all. Once you are done writing use the candle to light the paper on fire. Place this in a fire proof vessel and watch it burn. Visualize the cleansing of the fire and a new and happier you rising from the flames.
Fire burns away old
Makes way for the new
I release my pain
I release my guilt
All pain is consumed.
I am reborn from the flame
I am light, I am love
I am renewed
So mote it be.
Wrap yourself in the blanket, as if in a cocoon. Be sure to leave an opening for your mouth and nose. Lie down and feel yourself relax. Feel yourself sink into the earth.
Tonight marks the beginning of a new way of life. For a beginning to occur, death must also. Feel yourself return to the earth, become part of it, nourish it. Pour out the last of your pain and suffering. Let the Lady and the Lord comfort you in this dark place.
Do not force things to occur. Simply allow emotions to take control. You must purge the pain and suffering and allow the happiness to guide you. Listen to all that you hear.
Take note, for there are important lessons to be learned.
Once you feel yourself free of the pain and being guided by peace and happiness, begin to wiggle out of the blanket. Do not unfold or unwrap it, but will out of it as if it was the birth canal. Remember you are being reborn. Once out, survive all around you. See the positive, see the peace. Be sure to thank every presence that helped you be reborn.