Protection Spells

Here are the spells that keep you, your home and family protected from evil and unfortunate situations.

Try These Simple Protection Spells

In our journey through life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that test our strength and resilience. Whether it’s negative energy, harmful intentions, or unforeseen circumstances, it’s essential to have tools and practices that can help us navigate these trials with grace and confidence. Protection spells offer a powerful means of shielding ourselves from harm and maintaining a sense of safety and security in our lives.

The collection of protection spells provided here offers a diverse range of techniques for warding off negativity, banishing harmful energies, and creating a shield of divine protection around us. From simple rituals involving herbs and candles to more intricate invocations of elemental forces, each spell is designed to empower and protect us on our spiritual journey. Whether you’re seeking to safeguard your home, break free from negative influences, or simply strengthen your aura against psychic attacks, these spells can be tailored to suit your specific needs and intentions.

It’s important to approach these spells with a sense of reverence and respect for the energies involved. Before casting any spell, take the time to center yourself, clarify your intentions, and connect with the natural world around you. By harnessing the power of intention, visualization, and divine energy, you can create a potent shield of protection that will guide you safely through life’s challenges. Let these spells serve as a beacon of light and strength as you walk your path with courage and confidence.

Protection Spell #1: Sachet Spell


  • Amber
  • Juniper
  • Dill
  • Vervain
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Lavender


  1. Create a sachet by blending the herbs on a full moon night.
  2. Say, “Moon of night in fullness shine, bless this rite protection mine.”
  3. Fill a pouch, avoiding direct contact, and wear it for protection.

Protection Spell #2: Herbal Charm


  • Juniper
  • Mugwort
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Horehound
  • Trefoil
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Vervain
  • Mandrake
  • Silk


  1. Combine herbs with silk in a bath.
  2. Anoint with rosemary, geranium, or frankincense oil.
  3. Sew a sachet, chanting, “I bind this charm to protect me well.”
  4. Empower the charm and directions, and keep it with you.

Protection Spell #3: Jar Spell


  • Sharp objects (pins, needles, razor blades, etc.)
  • Blood (three drops)
  • Mason jar


  1. Fill a jar with sharp objects, add three drops of blood, and seal tightly.
  2. Bury it, saying, “Lord of Life, Lady of Light, protect me against all harm.”
  3. Don’t break it, but bury it with a written prayer or incantation.

Protection Spell #4: House Blessing


  • Protection incense
  • Yellow candle
  • Purification herbs


  1. Use protection incense and a yellow candle to bless your home for three days.
  2. Bathe in purification herbs, visualize a protective light, and light the candle, saying protective affirmations.
  3. When finished, bury the wax near your front door.

Protection Spell #5: Breaking a Spell


  • Black candle
  • Water


  1. Place a black candle in water, visualizing negative energy drawn into the flame.
  2. Say, “If truly hexed or cursed I am, let it break with quench of flame.”
  3. When the candle burns down, bury it.

Protection Spell #6: Protection Ball


  • Clear crystal
  • Acorn
  • Rosemary
  • Mandrake
  • Red thread


  1. Thread red strands through a hollow ornament filled with patchouli oil and herbs.
  2. Hang it near your door, saying, “Symbol of the Moon, reject all negativity, defend me and mine.”

Protection Spell #7: Releasing Negative Energy


  1. Meditate outdoors, facing east, during a full moon, purifying in a bath.
  2. Visualize negative energy leaving as you chant, then bury the water.

Protection Spell #8: Invocation


To invoke the protective energies of the sun and day, find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus your energy. This spell is best performed during the daytime when the sun is shining brightly.

  1. Begin by centering yourself and connecting with the natural world around you. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, allowing yourself to become grounded and present in the moment.
  2. Once you feel centered, visualize the radiant energy of the sun above you, filling the space with warmth and light. Feel the power of the sun’s rays enveloping you in a protective shield of golden light.
  3. With sincerity and intention, speak or silently recite the following invocation:”Elements of the Sun, Elements of the Day, Come this way, Powers of night and day, I summon thee, I call upon thee, to Protect me, So Shall it Be.”
  4. As you speak these words, imagine the protective energies of the sun and day responding to your call, surrounding you with their divine light and strength.
  5. Take a moment to bask in the warmth and security of this protective energy, knowing that you are shielded from harm and negativity.
  6. When you feel ready, express your gratitude to the elements for their protection and assistance. Open your eyes and carry on with your day, knowing that you are protected by the powerful forces of the sun and day.

This invocation can be used whenever you feel the need for extra protection or whenever you’re facing challenges that require added strength and resilience. Trust in the power of the elements to safeguard you and guide you through any difficulties you may encounter.

Protection Spell #9: Breaking a Spell


  • Black candle
  • Water


  1. Light a black candle in water, envisioning the spell’s power diminishing.
  2. Pour the water away, bury the candle, and visualize the spell’s power dispersing.

Protection Spell #10: Dispelling Negative Energy


  • Clear crystal
  • Acorn
  • Rosemary
  • Mandrake
  • Red thread


  1. Create a pouch with the ingredients and hang it discreetly.
  2. Bless it with each element, saying, “While this dwells within, there will be protection without.”
  3. Burn it at Samhain for continued protection.