Palm Reading Lines Meaning – How To Read Your Palm
Everyone knows that “the face can wear a mask,” that a person may be a good actor and put on a certain expression that may deceive even the best judgment.
But hands cannot change as the result of a mere effort to please; the character they express is the real nature of the individual—the true character that has been formed by heredity or that has grown up with the person by long years of habit.
A Line of Head is like the needle in the compass, without a true knowledge of which it is impossible to grasp the “direction of the subject.” As regards the future being foreshadowed, it has been demonstrated that the brain is always growing, changing, increasing, or diminishing. These changes commence years before the effect is shown by the thoughts or actions of the individual. A boy ten years old may at that point commence a development which will not be felt until he is thirty, and then it may change his whole life and career. As this development commences at ten, even at that age it has affected certain nerves, and they in their turn have already affected the Line of Head—a full twenty years before the point of change or action has been reached. It therefore follows that the future may be seen and told by a careful examination of the hand which, as Aristotle has said, is the “organ of all organs, the active agent of the passive powers of the entire system.”
The Line of Head, or indication of the Mentality of the subject, must in all cases be considered as the most important line on the hand. The greatest attention should be paid to it, so as to obtain a clear grasp of the Mentality under consideration.
The two hands must be carefully compared—the left showing the inherited tendencies, the right the developed or cultivated qualities. The slightest change or deviation in the markings from the left to the right should be carefully noted down or remembered.
The direction or the termination or end of the line should, above all, be distinctly noted, for the all-important reason that this shows the direction that the Mentality is inclined to develop towards. For example, if found with the end of the line sloping downwards in the left hand, and having become straight or lying across the palm in the right—the student is safe in concluding that the subject has not been able to follow his natural bent, but by the force of circumstances has been obliged to make himself more practical, to study business methods, and to have undertaken a training towards practicality and level-headedness in order to rise equal to the circumstances that he found himself forced to meet.
In this way the student obtains an insight into the earlier conditions of the life under examination that is invaluable, especially when there is, as will be found in many cases, no Line of Destiny visible in the early years.

If, on the contrary, the Line of Head is found exactly in the same position on the right hand as on the left, or even very nearly so, the student can be sure that there was little or no strain in the early years, but that the subject had easy conditions which were favourable, and which allowed him to develop his natural bent of Mentality.
If, however, it is found that the left hand shows a forked ending to the Line of Head, namely, one end sloping downwards and the other end straight, or nearly so, and that the right hand shows only the straight line, then the student may decide that the subject inherited from the parents two natures, the imaginative and the practical, and that he chose to develop the latter, either in the direction of business or science.
In such a case, the student may state with confidence that the parents of the subject were decidedly opposite in their characteristics. If the line has become straight in the right hand the subject takes more after the side that was practical.
In the case of boys or men it must be remembered that they will take more after their mother’s mental peculiarities, and in the case of girls or women that they more generally take after the mental qualities of the father.
On a man’s left hand that has the forked ending with the upper end straight, or nearly so, the student can state that the mother was the more practical of the parents. If on the right hand the same mark has become clearest the man developed, followed, or cultivated the mental qualities of the mother more than those of the father. When reading a woman’s hand the reverse will apply.
If, on the contrary, the lower line was the more developed on the right hand, then the subject, if a man, had developed the imaginative or artistic qualities of the mother, and vice versa if the subject be a girl or a woman.
When the Line of Head looks light or faint on the left, and strong and clear on the right, the student can safely state that the subject did not inherit any strong mental bent from either parent, but has cultivated and developed his own mentality.
In such a case the subject has been a hard mental student, and has become mentally superior to his or her parents. This is often found in the case of “self-made” men or women, who have had little or no education in their early life or in their home, but who from an innate love of education developed themselves mentally. Such a sign would speak volumes for the will power and ambition of the subject under examination.
If the Line of Head is lighter and poorer on the right hand than on the left, the student can state that the subject has not made the most of his opportunities mentally, and that he has not, and never will, equal the brain power and education of his or her parents.
In such a case one may also be sure that the subject has not a very strong will power—at least mentally—although he might be very obstinate by nature, which will be seen from the quality exhibited by the nail phalange of the thumb.
A poor or non-developed Line of Head in the right hand of any man or woman is also the indication of a lack of purpose or ambition—there being no ambition where a want of mental desire and development is so distinctly shown.
A clean cut deep Line of Head is a more powerful sign of mentality than when the line is very broad, or lying, as it were, merely on the surface of the palm.
A wide broad line shows less concentration and a more vacillating changeable nature. This rule applies with equal truth to all the lines on the palm.
Broad, coarse-looking lines are more a constitutional sign than a mental indication. They are often found in cases where the subject leads a robust outdoor life, and those who have developed the physical side of their nature more than the mental.
Great brain workers usually have thin, fine, clean-looking lines, and especially that of the Line of Head.
It will thus be seen that by observation the student will be enabled to class the sort of life led by the person under examination. No matter how intellectual a man or woman may look, the lines on the hand will indicate whether or not they have developed their intellectuality. In this way it will be seen that a study of the hand becomes a far more accurate guide than the study of the face. Many men and women may have handsome, intellectual faces and yet prefer sport or outdoor life to any mental pursuit or exercise.
Turning from an examination of the direction of ending of the Line of Head, the student must next examine the indications of the beginnings of this important Line. For example, the Line of Head may commence in three distinct different ways.
(1) From inside the Line of Life (1-1, Plate I.).
(2) Joined to the Line of Life (2-2, Plate I.).
(3) And outside the Line of Life (3-3, Plate I.).
The first is the most uncertain of all. It denotes an over-sensitive, over-cautious, timid person. It also indicates a highly nervous, easily excited individual, one who has little control over himself or his temper, who is easily put out over trifles, and liable to do the most erratic things, or fly off at a tangent when irritated. Such people are always in trouble, generally fighting or quarrelling with those about them and over things that are of no consequence. They are likewise so easily wounded in their feelings, that even a look or an imagined slight will put them out of humour or upset them for days.
If this Line of Head farther out in the palm become straight, it denotes that the subject will, later, by the development of his intelligence largely overcome this failing of over-sensitiveness. If the line slope much or bend down towards the wrist or on to the Mount of Luna (the Mount of Imagination), then the subject will become still worse with his advancing years. If the Line of Head is also poorly marked, or with “hairlines” from it, it is often the indication of some form of insanity which is likely to cause the subject to be placed under restraint in later life.
If, with this latter indication, the student also finds all the upward main lines, such as the Line of Destiny, etc., fading out past the middle of the palm, the indication of insanity and restraint becomes all the more certain.
This class of Head Line is largely found in cases where the subject is naturally inclined towards drink and intemperance of every description.
Even in cases where there are good lines running up the palm, it will usually be found that the subject gives way to occasional fits of intemperance or the desire for drugs. The qualities of the fiery Mount of Mars, from which such a Line of Head starts inside the Life Line, is largely the cause of the peculiarities above indicated. The opposite Mount of Marson the side of the hand, on the contrary, gives mental control, so that even when the Line of Head runs out straight on the palm it partakes of this “Mental Mars” quality, and so denotes that later on in years the subject with such a Line of Head will be able to develop mental control. The sloping Line of Head, however, would denote that the subject allows himself to turn, as it were, away from mental control, and so lets the earlier tendencies become his master.
This point alone is worthy of the consideration of all parents, and if observed by them would do much to help such children to develop mental control over themselves. The accompanying plates show this formation of the Line of Head in all its variations.
The position of this line indicates in all cases a highly sensitive disposition, which inclines towards the side of caution and also lacks self-confidence (2-2, Plate I.). Even the cleverest people with this sign seem to rein themselves in too tightly, and are always inclined to undervalue their capabilities and talents.
When, with the same indication, the line is also sloping slightly downwards, the sensitiveness is still more increased. This form is largely found on the hands of artists, painters, and those who even in other walks of life have the sensitive artistic temperament, even though it may not have been developed to a larger extent. If, on the contrary, the Line of Head joined to the Line of Life runs straight out across the hand towards the mental Mount of Mars (2-2, Plate I.), the subject, though still extremely sensitive, has got greater courage of his opinions. Such people do not get credit for being as highly sensitive as do the other people with the line sloping downwards towards the Mount of Imagination. The straighter the Head Line is found, the subject can be more relied on to carry out his determination, and often these highly sensitive and even nervous people are found doing very determined work in connection with some battle for principle or for right which they believe it their moral duty to carry out. If this class of Line of Head, however, go very far across the hand and straight on to the Mental Mount of Mars, it indicates an extremely strong-willed determined person who has the power to hide his sensitiveness and nervousness and stake everything for what he believes his duty to carry out.
The difference in the observation of these two distinct classes of individuals, namely, those with the Line of Head joined but sloping, and the Line of Head joined and straight across the hand, has caused many exponents of this study to make great mistakes in the judgment of their subject. When, as is very often the case, the Line of Head is forked (3-3, Plate II.), also when joined and when these forked lines are equal to one another, especially in cases where the Line of Head is joined to the Line of Life showing the sensitive temperament, this forked mark often indicates a certain want of decision. The subject is inclined to balance too much between the two qualities of brain, the practical and the imaginative. As to what they should do for the best, in such cases it is always wise to advise the subject to act according to first impulse either in dealing with practical or imaginative things. By so doing they employ, as it were, the intuition of the brain, and by using it do not waver and vacillate by too much reasoning over the question or endeavouring to see both sides of it at once. When the sloping Line of Head has a gentle curve downwards towards the Mount of the Moon (1-1, Plate II.), distinct control over the imagination is indicated. The student will then know that the subject simply uses his imagination when he wishes to do so instead of being controlled by it. But the contrary is the case when the line bends too far down this Mount (4-4, Plate II.). In this case the subject is the slave of his imagination and generally does erratic and peculiar things or can only work in moods of the moment. People of this latter class seldom, if ever, produce the great results in the world of art or imagination as do those who have the line simply curving downwards into this Mount.

When the Line of the Head bends completely down and turns with a curve, as it were, under the base of the Mount of Luna (5-5, Plate II.), the tendency is to extreme morbid imaginings and such extreme sensitiveness, that people on whose hands it is found generally separate themselves from the rest of their fellows, and either retire from the world altogether and live a solitary life or else make their exit by the gate of suicide. The latter is, in fact, generally the ending of such lives. Their extreme sensitiveness evidently renders life for them almost unbearable. But this formation must not be confounded with the Line of Head curving downwards through the upper part of the Mount (4-4, Plate II.). In this latter case, it can even descend as far down as the wrist itself, and, unless it has an island or star at the end of the line, there is not the danger of suicide. In all such cases, however, there is extreme imagination, extreme sensibility, and a tendency to melancholy and morbidness, but there is no indication of the brain breaking down under strain as there is in the other case of what is known as the distinct tendency for self-murder.
The Line of Head is more frequently found connected with than separated from the Line of Life. When the space is not very wide (3-3, Plate I.), it is an excellent mark to have, giving independence of thought, quickness of judgment, and a certain mental daring that is invaluable in fighting the battle of life. When the Line of Head is at the same time lying fairly straight across the palm, such individuals have an immense power over others, but their capabilities are always more distinctly shown if they should in any form go in for some kind of public life. People possessing this mark are rather less “hard students” than those with the Line of Head and Line of Life joined together, but they have such brilliancy and quickness of thought that they seem to see in a flash that which takes the other class hard work to attain. But these people with the “open Line of Head” must, above all things, have purpose in their life. Without purpose they are rather like a ship drifting on an idle sea. They may spend their life in an aimless way unless “the call” comes to them or the tide of ambition turns their way and carries them onward.

The same class of line but sloping is the more uncertain of the two characters, because the person is still more inclined to work only by moods. If the mood or the desire does not come, such people, although always brilliant and clever, may often waste their lives doing nothing.
Those people with the Line of Head “open” and ascending slightly upwards towards or on to the Mental Mount of Mars (3-3, Plate III.), are self-appointed leaders, organizers of any public movement. They will sacrifice everything, home, affection, and all ties for what they believe is their public duty in connection with the work that they have undertaken.
The Line of Head very open and separate from the Line of Life denotes a character with too little caution or sensitiveness (4-4, Plate III.). The subject will go to the opposite extreme of him with the Line of Head and Line of Life joined. When the space is very wide it denotes excessive impetuosity and lack of continuity of purpose, a person who pushes himself forward on all occasions, a great desire for notoriety and one continually changing his plans as far as the world is concerned. When this line is excessively open or separate from the Line of Life, the brain seems to be an extremely excitable one. The subject suffers greatly from excessive blood to the head, mental hysteria, sleeplessness, and all things that affect the brain. If the Line of Head is badly formed with islands, or a broad line with breaks and hair lines (1-1, Plate IV.), it is just as much a mark of another form of insanity as the Line of Head curving downwards at the wrist, but with the line mentioned the type is inclined to be morbid with a tendency to suicide.
This other Line of Head with islands indicates the character that will be more likely to be excitable and fly into a temper and kill other people. A Line of Head not too widely separated and either one end of it commencing on the Mount of Jupiter, or with its main branch from the Mount of Jupiter (4-4, Plate III.), is one of the most brilliant marks of all. The student must, however, carefully establish this difference of the Line of Head in his own mind, as well as the termination or the ending of this line. Once he has these two points firmly established, he has gained the great keynote to this subject. When once this part is mastered, he has a sure foundation to work on.
My next remarks will relate to the minor marks and their meaning, and to islands or breaks on or in the Line of Head.
What are known as “islands” in the Line of Head are very important, especially if they are considered both in relation to the age at which they occur, and also in relation to the mentality itself.
In the first place the principal rule the student must bear in mind is, that islands must be considered as showing a weakness in any line wherever they may be found, and are to be considered unfortunate signs.
On the Line of Head when found in the form of a continuous chain (1-1, Plate IV.), all through the line, they denote mental weakness, but generally produced by ill-health which more immediately affects the brain.
Such mental weakness or “brain illness,” if found with nails showing very small “moons” or none at all, denotes an anæmic condition of the blood that affects the brain, a low condition of vitality and bad circulation, which seems to starve the brain of blood and prevents such people from making any continuous effort in regard to study or will power, and causes them to act in an erratic fashion.
If at the same time the Line of Head is seen placed very high on the hand, this sign is worse still in its meaning, and such subjects are inclined to be “half mad” in periods.
When the Line of Head is widely separated from the Line of Life, then this chain formation of islands is still more accentuated and more difficult to cure. Such subjects have periods of mental excitability which it seems impossible for them to control, and in such moments they are liable to fly off at a tangent and commit mad or rash acts, but acts generally dangerous to other people.
When, however, the Line of Head is very sloping (2-2, Plate IV.), with this formation of islands the subject is inclined to have fits of depression and melancholy, during which he is likely to shrink away from people or make an attempt against his own life. “Suicide while temporarily insane” is the verdict of the jury in such cases.

Another important point of consideration in relation to the islands in the Line of Head, is to note their position on the line itself, or under what finger they make their appearance. When these islands are found at the commencement of the line under the first finger or Mount of Jupiter (3, Plate IV.), it will be found that the subject in early life was delicate mentally, and displayed no energy of will; no desire to study, was listless and without ambition.
Under the second finger on the Mount of Saturn (4, Plate IV.), the subject, on the contrary, is inclined to suffer from severe headaches, morbidness, melancholy, and a tendency for inflammation, especially at the base of the head.
If the line looks weak or frays into little hair lines from this point out, it shows that the subject will never recover thoroughly from this malady.
Under the third finger, the Mount of Sun (5, Plate IV.), an island shows a very curious fact, namely that the person is inclined to suffer from weakness of the eyes and short-sight. If many of these islands are marked it generally foreshadows a still greater tendency to blindness and weakness of the sight.
Islands under the fourth finger, the Mount of Mercury (6, Plate IV.), and the extremity of the Head Line denote weakness of the brain in old age, and a highly nervous worrying disposition. If very badly marked they denote that in the latter part of life the subject may be disposed to insanity proceeding from a worrying disposition, and often from the overstraining of the mental faculties. It will thus be seen that every portion of this remarkable line may be divided into sections to obtain marvellous detail in making predictions for the future.
This line can further be divided, showing with considerable clearness the ages at which troubles or changes in the mentality may be expected.
Under the first finger the period of the life indicated is the first 21 years, the second period contains another section of the three 7’s, and lasts until 42 years of age; the third period of 7’s which will be found under the third finger indicates the section from 49 to 63, and the fourth section which takes in the remainder of the hand, under the fourth finger, stands for the period from 70 up to the end.
Another extremely interesting point in studying the Line of Head is to take notice of certain changes in its position, or lines either dropping or rising from it, which will also be found to give very remarkable information. For example: if a sloping Line of Head at any point in its track seems to curve or slightly bend upwards (1-1, Plate V.), it indicates that about that period of the person’s life some unusual strain will be forced upon him. If this curved line is clearly marked and not interfered with by things that look like blotches in it, the person, although of a completely opposite turn of mind to the practical, will yet rise superior to the occasion, and for the time being will develop a practical or business-like way of looking at things which may even be the very reverse of the nature.
If, however, instead of the curve or bend a fine line is seen leaving the Head Line in an upward direction (2-2, Plate V.), that period will leave a definite mark on the subject’s entire character for the remainder of his life. In some cases these fine lines will, after a few years, appear to develop more strongly, and may even become a kind of second Head Line. This would denote that the person continues to cultivate the practical side of his nature that was at that period called into existence.
If one were examining a straight Line of Head and noticed a curve downward or a fine line growing downwards from it (3-3, Plate V.), the natural interpretation of such a mark would be that at that date in the person’s career he had become less practical, or for the time being developed the more imaginative qualities of the mentality. In this latter case, curiously enough, it often denotes that the person had at that period of his life become more wealthy or prosperous, and so he was able to develop the artistic side of his nature. It is logical to assume that he could only have done this if the strain in the practical battle had been lessened about that time, but this must only be presumed if, at about the same date, the Sun Line (Plate XV.) were seen clearly marked or suddenly appearing on the hand, then the student can be positive in assuming that at that date greater ease and comfort came into the subject’s life and he consequently turned to the more imaginative side of existence.

If the Line of Head itself should curve upward, especially at the end towards the fourth finger or Mount of Mercury (4-4, Plate V.), it denotes almost without exception that the longer the person lives the more his desire for money and his determination to possess it will become stronger every year.
If the Line of Head apparently partly leaves its natural place, which will be seen by an examination of the left hand, and completely rises as it were to the Line of Heart (5-5, Plate V.), the person will develop an enormous fixity of purpose for some one desire. He will apparently and deliberately control the affectionate side of his nature by his will power, and will stick at nothing to obtain the realisation of whatever his desire may be. If this mark is found on a square thick-set material looking hand, it is a foregone conclusion that the subject has set his determination on some material object, such as wealth, and he will stop at nothing, even crime, in carrying out his aim. If this mark is found on a long hand the object of the ambition is certain to be connected with intellectual power over people and absolute determination to accomplish whatever the purpose of the career may be.
This mark must not be confounded with one clear line running across the hand from side to side (Plate VI.), because in this case the Line of Head has not risen out of its position, but simply denotes tremendous intensity of character, for good or evil as the case may be; such a person would exhibit great power of concentration, and if he concentrated his mentality on any purpose he would unite with it his heart nature. But if he had set his heart or affections on any person, he would unite with that desire the whole force of his mental nature. In this case it is as if these two sides of the mentality, the sentimental and the mental, were linked or in some way united together. Such persons I have always found possess greater intensity of purpose than any other, but I have never found it a very happy mark to possess.

In the first place, this peculiar type of person appears to be so rare in life that he seems to have no companions and for that reason has always the feeling of being intensely lonely and isolated from others. He is usually also in every way super-sensitive and easily wounded in his feelings. I have seldom found these people successful, unless when acting alone, but if linked with others by partnership in business, etc., they seem to feel their personality cramped, and the partnership as a rule seldom results happily. In considering this, the student must carefully observe whether this one line across the hand lies across the centre where the Head Line would naturally be, or whether it lies higher up towards the base of the fingers where the Heart Line is generally found. If the former case, one may be sure that it is a question of head and mentality and very little heart; but if the latter, it is a question of more intensity of feeling emotion and affection than of mental intensity.
Small, sharply-defined crosses in any position just over or touching the Line of Head are generally signs of accidents to the Head itself.
Under Jupiter (1, Plate VII.), they usually are brought about by blows caused generally by the subject’s desire to rule and to be too dogmatic or tyrannical.
Under Saturn (2, Plate VII.), crosses indicate injuries to the head from accidents by animals, blows by treachery, mine explosions, etc., and generally relate to accidents of a treacherous nature.
Under the Mount of the Sun (3, Plate VII.), these crosses have been found to relate to accidents to the head from sudden falls, such as the subject striking his head by falling, concussion of the brain, etc.
Under the Mount of Mercury (4, Plate VII.), these sharply defined crosses relate to injuries to the head due to accidents generally produced by scientific experiments or some hazardous business venture.
Small defined squares touching the Line of Head (5, Plate VII.), are in all cases signs of preservation, and they relate to the particular qualities of the Mount of the hand under which they are found.
Double Lines of Head (6-6, Plate VII.), are as rarely found as are cases of the single line right across the hand. In all cases where the Double Line of Head stands out distinct and clear as two separate lines, the object will be found to have a dual mentality. He is usually capable of an enormous amount of mental work and is of that class of people who carry out two separate mental lives with success. It is often found with one line joined to the Line of Life and the other rising from the Mount of Jupiter; if such is the case, the interpretation would be that one side of the nature is extremely sensitive and cautious, while the other is self-confident with a great desire to rule or enforce its mental ideas on the world.

Although such a sign as the Double Line of Head gives a remarkable degree of mentality, yet I have always found it a more successful sign to find one clear Line of Head well marked on the hand than the two Lines of Head in any of their positions.
Another form of the Double Line of Head (7-7, Plate VII.), is one where the main line seems to separate about the middle of the hand, and where one branch goes across the hand and the other descends towards the Mount of the Moon. In such a case we get the double mental personality, but one which is more under the control of the will of the subject, whereas the two double distinct lines denote that the two mental personalities seem to act independently one from the other.
It has been considered by many ancient authorities that the Double Line of Head, when found with two distinct lines, is a sign of the inheritance of great riches or power. I have generally found, however, that what it means is, that although the financial results of such a person’s life may be either great wealth or power, yet he may inherit it from his mental right and not from his birth right.
There are seven distinct types of hands, bearing in their own way more or less relationship to the Seven Races of Humanity.
These seven types of hands are as follows:
I.—The Elementary or Lowest type.
II.—The Square, also called the Useful or Practical.
III.—The Spatulate or Active.
IV.—The Philosophic.
V.—The Conic or Artistic.
VI.—The Psychic or Idealistic.
VII.—The Mixed Hand.
As a rule the Line of Head is generally found in accordance with the type of hand on which it is seen, namely, lying straight or what is called “level-headed” on the Square-looking or Practical hand; or sloping, and thus indicating the more imaginative qualities on the Philosophic, Conic, or Psychic types.
Consequently, if it be found on a hand in what may be called opposition to its class, such a Line of Head immediately possesses a greater significance.
For example, if a sloping Line of Mentality were seen on the Square or Practical hand, it would indicate that though the bases of that man or woman’s thoughts and plans were of the practical kind, yet they possessed a far greater power of imagination than any casual observer would at first sight give them credit for.
On the contrary, if the Line of Head were found straight or level on the Spatulate, Philosophic, Conic, or Psychic types, it would denote that the person in question was usually level-headed and practical, even in their highest dreams of philosophy or idealistic creations.
On the Elementary hand the Line of Head is usually found short, straight, and coarse-looking, often nothing more than a short deep-set furrow. Consequently, if found long and clear, it would indicate a superior mental development in a coarse brutal or animal nature.
If in a Square-looking hand the Line of Head were found sloping instead of long and straight, it would denote an unusual development of the artistic and imaginative qualities, but always with the practical and logical basis for its support.
On the Spatulate hand the natural indication of the] Line of Head is long, clear and sloping, but if found straight or level it would indicate a practical development of the brain endeavouring to set off the active energy and originality indicated by the Spatulate formation.
On the Philosophic type, the hand of the thinker and philosopher, the usual position of the Line of Mentality is long and sloping, but if found straight or level it indicates a mental development of the logical and practical qualities which might not be expected in such a class or type.
The same rules hold good with the Conic and Psychic, but with what is called the Mixed type, the best Line of Head to find would be one, long straight and level-looking, because this class, being a mixture as it were of all the others, would require a practical or level-headed mentality to hold its own amid the mixture of tendencies which the last type personifies.
The Line of Life is that line which runs round the base of the thumb and lies directly over a large blood-vessel called the great Palmer Arch (1-1, Plate VIII.). This blood-vessel is more directly connected with the heart, stomach, and vital organs which may have given use to its term “The Vital,” as used by the ancients.
It is reasonable to assume that it is this intimate connection with the vital organs of the body which enables it to foretell the length of life from natural causes.
If the student will bear this in mind it will make clear and plain to him many difficulties in connection with predictions as to health and disease, and he will follow more easily the following explanations.
The first rules to master are, that to be normal the Line of Life should be long, clearly marked, and without any irregularities or breaks of any kind. Such a formation would indicate length of life, vitality, freedom from illness, and strength of constitution (1-1, Plate VIII.).
Bearing the first observation in mind it will be noticed that as the Line of Life represents the stomach and the vital organs, when well marked the stomach and digestion must necessarily be in a good condition.

When made up of little pieces or linked like a chain, it is a certain sign of poor health, weak stomach and lack of vitality.
At this point I must ask the most careful attention to the following rules—which no other book on the subject contains, and which I have not published in any of my other writings, viz.: as the Line of Life seems in every sense to be the representative on the hand of the body or trunk of the man—so the position of these breaks, marks, links, or islands denotes the portion of the body most affected.
Before we go further I must also impress on the student to grasp the fact that every line or sign on the hand plays a dual rôle. By one of their rôles these lines indicate the disease the person is most liable to for the entire run of the life, and in another rôle these lines indicate the date when the illness will reach its greatest gravity.
To explain carefully this strange phenomenon of nature, I have divided this line into sections (see Plate VIII.), and although I am not writing on astrology in these pages, yet all believers in that science may be interested to find how wonderfully these twin sciences agree when the comparison is pointed out by an impartial observer such as I claim to be.
In Plate VIII. are shown the Sections of the Line of Life with their various tendencies divided by the mounts at the base of the fingers. This will materially assist the student to comprehend their significance and, together with the influence of the month of birth as set out in the chapters on the Mounts of the Hand, will enable him to obtain an accuracy on all matters relating to health, diseases, and dangers to the life that up till now has never been attained.
We will now proceed to consider the details as regards the Line of Life itself.
It is very important at the outset to consider the qualities of this very important line. In some hands it is broad and shallow on the surface of the hand, in others it is deep and fine; the appearance of this line is very often deceptive, and leads students astray when they have not had their attention called to its appearance.
The broad, shallow Line of Life often leads people to suppose that it is a sign of a very healthy, robust constitution; but, on the contrary, such an indication is not nearly as good a sign as a clear, thin, deep line. The broad Life Line seems to belong to people who have more robust animal strength, whereas the finer line relates to people who have more nerve or will-force. Under any strain of ill-health, it is the finer line that will hold out, whereas the broad-looking line has not the same resisting force.
Very broad lines on the hand denote more muscular strength than will power, and I cannot impress this difference too strongly on the minds of my readers. If the line is made of chain formation (1-1, Plate IX.), it is a sure sign of a tendency to bad health, and especially so if the hand be soft. The same marks on a hard, firm hand would not indicate as much delicacy, because hard, firm hands denote in themselves a robust constitution.
Another important point to consider is, whether the Line of Life goes straight up to the side of the Mount of Venus and narrows that Mount (2-2, Plate IX.), or whether it forms a well-defined curve or semicircle out into the palm (3-3, Plate IX.). In the first case it indicates a naturally more delicate constitution, and less force of animal magnetism. This explanation will be readily understood by readers when I again call their attention to the fact that one of the most important blood-vessels going from the body to the hand is called the Great Palmer Arch, which carries the blood up to the hand towards the root of the thumb, and carries the circulation back on the other side of the Arch almost underneath the Line of Life. It will, therefore, be seen that people who have a weaker constitution are more likely to have this Great Palmer Arch narrower in construction than those who have a robust constitution and strong circulation of the blood. This is the reason why, when the Mount[ of Venus is large and wide on the hand, it gives rise to the idea that it indicates a more passionate animal nature than when this mount is thin and narrow.

While speaking on this particular point, I must also call attention to the fact that when the Line of Head is curved downwards instead of running straight across the palm, that it seems to be more attracted to the qualities indicated by the Mount of Venus and gives more to the imaginative, romantic nature, showing a greater tendency to fall in love, than with people who possess the Line of Head running straight across the hand, as if it were not attracted to the qualities indicated by the Mount of Venus. It will thus be seen that every point of this study bearing on character can be reasoned out from a logical standpoint. This places the study upon a higher foundation than when it is considered purely from the superstitious standpoint with which it has so long been associated.
If the Line of Life is seen to rise high on the hand towards the Mount of Jupiter (4-4, Plate IX.), the subject has more control over himself, and his life is more governed by the ambitious side of his nature. When, however, the Line of Life rises lower down on the palm, more from the Mount of Mars (5-5, Plate IX.), it gives less control over the temper. When this sign is noticed, especially in the case of young persons, it will be found that they are more quarrelsome, more disobedient, and have less ambition in connection with their studies.
When the Line of Life is found with a number of ascending lines, even if they are small, it denotes a life of greater energy; and the dates at which these lines ascend from the Line of Life may always be considered points at which the subject has made a particular effort towards whatever may have been the special purpose of his destiny at that moment. When these lines are seen ascending towards or on the Mount of Jupiter (1-1, Plate X.), it indicates the desire and ambition to rise in life, especially in some way that would give the subject control or authority over others. If one of the lines be found partly arrested or stopped at the Line of Head (2-2, Plate X.), it indicates that the subject has by some mental error of judgment or stupidity, broken or prevented the effort, which started well, from reaching a successful termination. If one of these lines reaches and stops at the Line of Heart, it indicates that the affections have, or will, interfere with the subject’s special effort in whatever direction this line indicates. If one of these lines crosses and joins the line of Fate (3-3, Plate X.), it indicates and gives two distinct dates which are very curious in their meaning. The first date it gives is when this line leaves the Line of Life on its way towards the Line of Fate. The date of this start towards the Line of Fate will be given on the Line of Fate itself, right opposite where this line begins to grow from the Line of Life. This mark will denote that the subject has made a determined effort at that moment in his career to make his own destiny, and to break free from the circumstances or people that surround him or tie him down.
It is always a successful sign when this line is found to join the Line of Fate, especially if the Line of Fate looks stronger at or about this point of the junction.
The second date is given at the period in the Line of Life when one is reading down the Line of Life itself. The singular point about this is that a repetition of circumstances will be found to occur in the destiny. Suppose, for example, one saw this line going towards the Fate Line at twenty-six years of age—a circumstance or repetition of the occurrence will be found to occur at almost double that age, namely, fifty-two years of age, which would give a more or less exact date of this occurrence when reading the Line of Life. As an illustration to help the reader I may say that I have generally found that this mark will indicate that the subject has, in the first instance, broken free from some tie at an early date, and that a similar occurrence will take place at the second date, viz., late in life, when again the subject seems to break free from some tie, and goes out more into the world for himself.
This curious sign very often helps in deciding matters as regards marriage. The man, or woman, will apparently assert his independence more, and leave the ties of home life, and again go out in the world and fight the battle for himself, as he did in the earlier part of his existence, when he probably left his parents’ influence and forged ahead for himself.
When the ascending line is seen crossing over towards the Mount of Saturn, and running as an independent line not joined to the Line of Fate (6, Plate X.), it will be found that the subject has carried out a kind of second fate. The date when this line left the Line of Life will give the first date of its commencement, i.e., opposite it on the Fate Line. If the line be a good one it would give its second date when reading down the Line of Life, where, if the line were good, it carried out this second fate to a successful culmination.
What is called the Line of Mars is that line that is found only on some hands encircling the Mount of Venus and inside the Line of Life.
This Line, which rises on the Mount of Mars, from which it derives its name, when found clear and strong appears to back up and reinforce the Line of Life (4-4, Plate X.). It indicates great vitality, power of resistance to illness and disease, and is not found on all hands.
It is an excellent sign on the hands of soldiers, or in connection with all persons who follow a dangerous calling.
All breaks or bad marks indicated on the Line of Life are minimized on the hands that have this Inner Life Line, or Line of Mars.
As its name implies, in character it denotes a robust and rather fighting disposition, a person naturally inclined to rush into dangers and quarrels, and if deeply marked and reddish in colour it increases all indications of accidents and dangers shown on other parts of the hand.
When a branch seems to shoot off from this line and runs on to the Mount of Luna (5-5, Plate X.), it foreshadows restlessness and an intense craving for excitement. With a weak-looking Line of Mentality it is a sure sign of a craving for drink and intemperance of all kinds, and at the point where it breaks through the Line of Life, it generally indicates death brought on by the intemperance this mark foreshadows.

It is generally found on short, thick-set square hands or short hands, but when found on a long, thin, and narrow palm, it indicates great vitality and resistance to disease, a nervous, highly-strung, and rather irritable disposition.
Any broken Life Line with this Line of Mars behind it may indicate great danger of death where the break appears, but a danger that will be overcome through the vitality indicated by this Inner Life Line or Line of Mars.
The Line of Destiny, otherwise called the Line of Fate (1-1, Plate XI.) is naturally one of the most important of the principal lines of the hand.
Although one may never be able to explain why it is, this line undoubtedly appears to indicate at least the main events of one’s career.
It may be found on the hand even at the moment of birth, clearly indicating the class of Fate or Destiny that lies in the far distant future before the individual.
In some cases it may look faint or shadowy, as if the path of Destiny were not yet clearly defined, while in other instances almost every step of the road is chiselled out with its milestones of failure or success, sorrow or joy, as the case may be.
That some human beings seem to be more children of Fate than others has been admitted by almost all thinkers, but why they should be so has been the great question that baffles all students of such subjects.
There are some who appear to have no Fate, and others who seem to carve their Destiny from day to day.
I have seen hundreds of cases where every step of the journey was indicated from childhood to the grave; others where only the principal changes in the career were marked in advance. There are, again, others where nothing seemed decided, and where the events indicated by the Line of Fate appeared to change from year to year.
The why and wherefore of such things may be impossible to fathom, but there are so many mysteries in Life itself that one more or less does not seem to matter.
Some of the greatest teachers and philosophers have come to the conclusion that Fate exists for all. In the 17th Article of Religion in the Episcopal Church it is stated, and in no uncertain manner, that “Predestination to life is the everlasting purpose of God.” All through the Bible the Destiny of nations and of men is clearly laid down, and from the first chapter of Genesis to the last page of Revelation the trials, tribulations, and pathway of the Jews was prophesied and predicted ages in advance.
Thousands of years before the birth of Christ, it was foretold in Holy Writ in what manner He should be born, and in what manner He should die. It was predicted that a Virgin should conceive and that a Judas should betray, and that both were necessary “that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”
In more recent ages thousands and thousands of predictions have been fulfilled, and all point to some mysterious agency that underlies the purpose of humanity, and that nothing from the smallest to the greatest is left to blind chance.
It may be that the Soul—in being part of the Universal Soul of all things—knows all things, and so through the instrumentality of the brain writes its knowledge of the Future in advance.
To the mysteries of the mind there are no limits. Medical science has, in late years, gone so far as to prove that there must be an advance growth or change in the brain cells years before action or change in character become the result of such development. For all we know, every deed in our careers is the result of some such mental change, and as there are more super-sensitive nerves from the brain to the hand, it may then follow that such changes and subsequent actions in our lives may be written in our hands even long years in advance.
It may be, then, that to all living beings there is a Destiny “that shapes our ends, rough hew them as we will.”
I would, however, humbly suggest that each of us endeavour by knowledge to find what our Fate may be, and like loyal workmen accept whatever the task should prove, and so carry it out to the utmost of our ability, willing to leave the final result to the Master that thought fit to employ us in the working out of His design.
All such questions as these the student of this subject must settle in his own mind, for when he or she once broaches this study of Fate, he will be assailed on all sides, and the student must be prepared to give “an answer for the faith that is in him.”
In studying the hand it will be found that the Line of Fate may rise from the following distinct positions:
It may rise from and out of the Line of Life (2-2, Plate XI.), straight up from the wrist (1-1, Plate XI.), from the Mount of the Moon (3-3, Plate XI.), or from the middle of the palm.
The following is the meaning of these principal positions:
Rising from the Line of Life (2-2, Plate XI.), the subject’s success will be made by personal effort and merit; the early years of such a Fate will be cramped and difficult; circumstances and the early surroundings will not be favourable, and such people will be greatly hampered or sacrificed to the wishes and plans of their parents or relatives. If the Line of Fate, however, should run on clear and strong from where it leaves the Line of Life, then the subject will overcome all such difficulties and win success by his own personal effort and merit, and not depend on what is termed luck at any time in the career.
Another striking and important point is that the date or years marked on the Line of Fate of such a breaking out into the palm, will be found to coincide with the year in the subject’s life in which he asserted his independence or launched out into what he more particularly wanted to do.
In any case this date as indicated will be found to be one of the most important in his career.
When the Line of Fate rises from the Wrist (1-1, Plate XI.) and goes straight up the centre of the palm to the Mount of Saturn, provided at the same time the Line of Sun (4-4, Plate XI.) is found well marked, luck, brilliance, and success will attend the Destiny, and extreme good fortune may be anticipated.
Rising from the Mount of the Moon (3-3, Plate XI.) the Fate will be more eventful, changeable, and largely depending on the fancy and caprice of other people.

If such a line be found joining the Line of Heart (1-1, Plate XII.), it foretells a happy and prosperous marriage, but one in which idealism, romance, and some fortunate circumstances play their rôle, and one which results more from the caprice or fancy of the person of the other sex.
If the Line of Fate be itself straight but with a line running in and joining it from the Mount of the Moon (5-5, Plate XI.), it indicates that the influence of some outside person has helped the subject’s Fate, and it is generally an indication of the influence of another sex to the one on whose hand it appears.
When this line of influence from the Mount of the Moon does not, however, blend with the Fate Line (2-2, Plate XII.), it denotes that the other person’s life will always remain distinct, and the influence will last only for the length of time that it runs by the side of the subject’s Fate.
When this influence line cuts the Line of Fate and, leaving it, travels on for some distance towards the Mount of Jupiter (3-3, Plate XII.) it tells that the person whose influence it denotes will only be attracted to the subject by personal ambition—that this person will use the subject for the furthering of his own aims and ambitions, and will desert the subject when she is of no further use. This is more commonly seen on the hand of a woman than on that of a man.
If the Line of Fate ascending the hand sends an offshoot from it on or towards any of the Mounts, such as to Jupiter, the Sun, or Mercury, then the Destiny will be more largely associated with the quality that the Mount it approaches symbolises.
For example: If such a line be seen approaching or going towards Jupiter (6-6, Plate XI.) it denotes responsibility, power of command over others, or some high position which will commence to be realised from the date when the offshoot leaves the Line of Fate. If such a mark continues its course and finishes on the Mount of Jupiter, it is one of the most magnificent signs of success that can be found for that particular aim or purpose.

If this offshoot ascends towards the Mount of the Sun (7-7, Plate XI.) the success will be in the direction of riches and public life, which will give great publicity or renown; this is also a magnificent sign of success.
If the offshoot goes towards the Mount of Mercury (8-8, Plate XI.), the success it indicates will be more in the direction of some special achievement either in science or commerce.
If the Line of Fate itself should not ascend towards its habitual position on the Mount of Saturn, but, instead, run up towards or on to any other Mount, then the whole effort of the life will be tinged with whatever quality that particular Mount signifies. Such an indication must not, however, be considered as the certain or sure sign of success as when the Line of Fate keeps to its own place and sends branches to some particular Mount.
When the Line of Fate ascends the hand without branches and runs like a lonely path up and on to the Mount of Saturn, such a person will be like a child of Fate chained to an iron road of circumstances. It will be impossible for him to avert the trials of his Destiny or mitigate them in any way. He will receive no help from others, and little will ever happen except to bring him sorrow or tragedy. Such a mark of Fate through the hand must never be considered as “a good line of Destiny.”
To have a really good Line of Fate it should not be too heavily marked, but just clear and distinct, and, above all, be accompanied by a Line of Sun in some form or other.
If a Line of Fate run over the Mount of Saturn and up into the base of the finger, it is an unfortunate sign, as everything the subject undertakes will get out of his control, and he will not apparently know how or when to stop in whatever he takes up.
When the Line of Fate appears to be stopped by the Line of Heart, the career will always be ruined through or by the affections being badly placed.
When, however, it joins the Line of Heart and they together ascend the Mount of Jupiter (1-1, Plate XII.), the subject will have happiness through his affections and will be helped by love and affection to attain his highest ambitions. He will also be extremely lucky through the friendship and love of those he meets, and will be greatly benefited and helped by others.
When the Line of Fate appears to be stopped by the Line of Head (4-4, Plate XII.), it foretells that his career will be spoiled by the subject’s own stupidity or mental foolishness.
When the Line of Fate only makes its appearance far up in the centre of the palm, in what is called the Plain of Mars, it indicates a hard early life and that the subject must always have a hard fight to gain his ends; but should the Line ascend clearly and strongly from the Plain of Mars and have a branch to or on towards the Mount of the Sun, such a person will be the architect of his own fortunes, and without help or assistance will win success and fortune by his own personal hard work and merit.
When the Line of Fate rises from the Line of Head and when it is well marked, everything will come to the subject late in life and only then by his own brains.
When the Line of Fate is seen with one branch on the Mount of Venus and the other on the Mount of the Moon (1-2, Plate XIII.) it indicates a career of romance and passion, by which the whole of the Destiny will be swayed.
When the Line of Fate itself rises inside the Life Line on the Mount of Venus (2-2, Plate XIII.), passionate love will affect the whole career, and such persons, it will be found, usually place their affections on impossible people or on those who are in some way tied up by marriage or who otherwise are unable to gratify the love that the other person demands. This is a most unlucky sign for affection to find in the hands of a woman.

When the Line of Fate is broken or made up in little bits, the career will be found full of troubles, breaks, and nothing that one gets will last long enough to bring any settled or continuous success.
A break in the Fate Line is not always a bad sign to have, provided that one side begins before the other ends; in such a case it foretells a complete change in surroundings and position, and if the new line looks good and straight it will be found to mean that the change will bring about an advancement in position commencing at the date when the second line first makes its appearance.
When any small line joins the Fate Line or goes on with it as an attendant line, such a mark usually indicates marriage at the date when these lines join (3-3, Plate XIII.). If, on the contrary, these lines do not join, marriage with the person is not likely to occur although the affection and influence will be present in the career.
When one of these influence lines appears by the side of the Fate Line and crosses through it towards or on to the Mount of Mars, it indicates that the influence thus shown will turn to hate and will injure the career of the person on whose hand it is found (1-1, Plate XIV.).
When the Line of Fate is itself double (2-2, Plate XIV.), it is a sign of what is called “a double life,” but if, after running side by side for some length[ these two lines join or become one, it foretells that “the double life” has been caused by some great affection, that circumstances prevented a union, but that the preventing cause will be removed at the point where these two lines join.
When, however, a double Line of Fate is clearly marked, especially if they incline towards different mounts of the hand, such a mark indicates that two careers would be carried out simultaneously—one perhaps as a hobby and the other as the principal career.
When the Line of Fate is extremely faint or just barely traced through the palm, it will be found to indicate a general disbelief in the idea of Fate and Destiny. It is often found on the hands of very materialistic persons, those who rebel against the idea that they are governed in any way by Fate or by any power save themselves.
When this is found, and at the same time a good clear Line of Head, such people will be sure to win success by their mentality alone, but the details of their destiny will not be able to be told, and one must content oneself with chiefly describing their characteristics, peculiarities, etc.
When no Line of Fate whatever is found and only a very ordinary Line of Head, then there will be nothing very particular to say about the Destiny; such people, as a rule, lead very colourless lives, nothing seems to affect them much one way or the other, and they will be found to have very little purpose to illumine the drab monotony of their existence.
An island (3, Plate XIV.) is an extremely bad sign to find in the Line of Fate.
When found at the very beginning of the line (4, Plate XIV.) it indicates some mystery regarding the commencement of such careers, such as illegitimate birth.

An island, when found on a woman’s hand connecting the Fate Line with the Mount of Venus, is an almost certain indication of her seduction (5, Plate XIV.).
An island in any part of the Plain of Mars indicates a period of great difficulty, loss in one’s career, and in consequence, generally loss of money (3, Plate XIV.).
An Island on the Fate and Head Lines together means loss also, but more brought on by the person’s own stupidity or lack of intelligence (6, Plate XIV.).
An island over the Fate and Heart Lines indicates loss and trouble connected with affairs of the heart or brought about by the affections.
An island on the Mount of Saturn or towards the end of the Line of Fate (5, Plate XIV.) foreshadows that the career will finish in poverty and despair.
When the Line of Fate finishes suddenly with a cross, some great fatality may be expected, but when the cross is found on the Fate Line and on the Mount of Saturn, the ending of such a Destiny will be some terrible tragedy, generally one of public disgrace and public death.
The Line of the Sun, which is otherwise called the Line of Success or the Line of Brilliancy (1-1, Plate XV.), is one of the most important marks on the hand to consider.
It has in its symbolism almost the same significance as the Sun itself has to the Earth.
Without this line the life has no happiness, no sunshine, as it were, and even the greatest talents lie in darkness and do not produce their fruit.
Amateurs, in looking at hands, often make the greatest mistakes in seeing what appears to be “a good Line of Fate,” and in consequence rush off and predict great success and fortune, whereas, as I explained in the preceding chapter, a Fate Line unaccompanied by the Line of Sun may simply mean a fatalistic life full of sorrow and darkness.
The quality that the Line of Sun denotes is, what is generally called “luck”; with a well-marked Sun Line even a poor Line of Head promises more success, and it is the same with the Line of Fate.
People with the Sun Line appear to have more magnetism, more influence over others. They more easily secure recognition, reward, riches, and honours.
They also have a happier and brighter disposition, and this has naturally a great deal to do with what is called success.

From whatever date in the hand the Line of Sun appears, things become brighter, more prosperous and important. The Line of the Sun may rise from the following positions:
From the Line of Life, the Line of Fate, the Plain of[ Mars, the Mount of the Moon, the Line of Head, and from the Line of Heart, or it may only appear as a small line on its own Mount.
Rising from the Line of Life (2-2, Plate XV.), it promises success from whatever the life is that is led, but not from “luck.”
From the Line of Fate (3-3, Plate XV.), it is a sure sign of recognition for the career adopted, but brought about by the personal effort of the subject.
From the Plain of Mars, and not connected with the other lines, it foretells success after difficulties.
From the Mount of the Moon (4-4, Plate XV.), success is more a matter due to the caprice of others. It is more changeable and uncertain and is by no means such a sure sign of riches or solid position. It is more the sign of success as a public favourite, and is often found in the hands of those who depend on the public for their livelihood, such as actors and actresses, singers, and certain classes of artists, speakers, clergymen, etc. For all such professions it is, however, fortunate, and an extremely lucky sign to have, as it promises in all cases luck, brilliancy, and recognition in the world.
Rising from the Line of Head, the Sun Line gives success from the mental efforts and qualities, but not until after the middle of life is past. It is found on the hands of brain workers, students of some particular branch of study, writers, scientists, etc.
From the Line of Heart, success will come late in life in some way depending on, or through, the affections. In such cases it generally promises a very happy marriage late in life, but it is always a certain sign of eventual ease, happiness, and worldly comfort.
Marked only on its own Mount, the Line of Sun promises happiness and success, but so late in life as to make it hardly worth having.
When the third finger—called the finger of the Sun—is much longer than the first with the Line of Sun well marked, the gambling instincts will be much in evidence. Nearly all successful gamblers for money have these two indications.
When, however, the third finger is equal to the second, the love of amassing wealth will be the dominant passion of the life.
When the third finger is extremely long and twisted or crooked, the person will endeavour to obtain money at any cost. This malformation is much seen in the hands of thieves or criminals who are likely to commit any crime for the sake of money. Note—if the Line of Head is very high on the palm, and more especially if it rises upwards at the end (3-3, Plate III.), these evil qualities will be still more accentuated.
When a hand is found to be artistic in its shape, with pointed fingers or long and narrow, the Line of Sun on such a formation promises rather success and brilliancy in Art, on the Stage, or in Public Singing, than in anything else.
The real musician’s hand, such as the composer’s or player’s, is however rarely a long, thin-shaped hand, because such persons must have a more scientific nature. This quality is not found with those who possess the long, slender, very artistic-shaped hand, who depend more on their emotional temperament than on scientific study for their foundation.
On extremely long, thin hands, those that belong to what is called the Psychic Type, the Line of Sun has very little meaning except that of temperament, such persons being too idealistic to care for either wealth, position, or worldly success. They have as a rule, simply bright, happy, sunny dispositions if this line is marked on their hands, and they go through life as in a dream, and their dreams are to them the only things that matter.

A curious characteristic, however, and one that has not been noticed by other writers on this subject, is, that on all hands where the Sun Line is seen, the nature of such people is much more sensitive to environment than that of those persons who do not possess this Line. For this reason the Line has been considered a sign of the artistic nature. But what is known as the “artistic nature” may show itself only in the love of beautiful things, harmony of surroundings, and such like; whereas the people who do not possess any mark of the Sun Line, seldom even notice their surroundings and would live equally happy in the most squalid homes. They would not trouble whether their curtains were black, green, yellow, or some fearful conglomeration of all three.
When many lines are found on the Mount of the Sun, they show also the artistic nature, but one where the multiplicity of aims and ideas will prevent any real success.
Two or three Sun Lines, when running parallel and evenly together, are good and indicate success in two or three different lines of work; but one good, straight, clear line is the best sign to have.
An “island” on any part of the Line of the Sun destroys the position and success promised, but only during the period where the island appears (5, Plate XV.). In nearly all cases it denotes public scandal, and when very clearly marked a cause célèbre or something of that sort.
All opposition lines, viz., those that cross over from the thumb side of the hand, and especially those from the Mount of Mars or from its direction, are bad (6-6 Plate XV.). If these opposition lines pass through, cut, or interfere with the Line of Sun in any way, they denote the jealousy or interference of people against one.
Curiously enough, these opposition lines from the Mount of Mars relate to the interference of members of the same sex as the subject; while, if they come from the Mount of Venus, they relate to the opposite sex of the individual on whose hand they appear (7-7, Plate XV.).
A “star” found on the Line of Sun is one of the luckiest and most fortunate signs to have.
A “square” is a sign of preservation against the attacks of enemies or efforts to assail one’s position.
A “cross” is an unfortunate sign, and denotes difficulties and annoyance, but only relating to one’s name or position.
On a “hollow hand,” the Line of Sun loses all power, and its good promises are never fulfilled.
The complete absence of the Line of Sun on an otherwise well-marked hand, indicates that no matter how clever or talented these people may be, the recognition of the world will be difficult or even impossible to gain. In other words, their life will remain in darkness; people will not see their work and the “Sun of Success” will never dawn on their pathway of labour.[