Moon Phases and Planetary Days

Moon Phases & Planetary Days

The phase of moon and the days of the week are important to successful magick. You are working with powerful but subtle energies.

You want to connect with the tides of energy most conductive to the successful outcomes of your ritual by planning to do the work at the most opportune time.

When the moon is waxing (getting larger, from the New to the Full) it is the right time to do expansive, external workings.

Love, money, fertility, career, success and personal success are all done in the waxing time of the Moon.

Rituals of internal and/or binding nature should be done when the moon is on the wane (getting smaller, after the Full to the next New).

This includes workings to stop something from happening, to control garden pests, to cool off passions in another, protection, to learn about past lives and to enforce self- control.

You will also need to decide which planet rules the type of magick or workings you wish to do and perform your rites on that day in the proper phase of the moon:

Rites for the Sun (success, prosperity) are done on Sunday.

Rites of the Moon (past lives, fertility) are done on Monday.

Rites of Mars (protection, vitality) are done on Tuesday.

Rites of Mercury (career, communication) are done on Wednesday.

Rites of Jupiter (expansion, abundance) are done on Thursday.

Rites of Venus (love, creativity) are done on Friday.

Rites of Saturn (protection, grounding) are done on Saturday.

Rites of Neptune (mystic connections) are done on Friday.

Rites of Uranus (genius, change) are done on Wednesday.

Rites of Pluto (transformation) are done on Tuesday.

Magick is everywhere, energy is everywhere. Using rituals and ceremony you can take these random forces and make them work to your own benefit. Instead of accepting whatever fate has in store for you, take charge and write your own destiny. The future is not set in stone – it is fluid, and as such it can be influenced by people who know how – people who understand that the universe is there for them to share and use. But be sure to return some of your good fortune as you profit from magick. This is a way of thanking the universe for its generosity, and avoiding greed. If you use magick for greed it will eventually backfire on you.

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