Impressive Money Spells Ready to be Used…
Pick One Now and Try It.
Career Success Charm: Spell for Job and Financial Growth
Growing Your Wealth: Spell for a Thriving Financial Future
Fortune’s Favor: Spell to Enhance Luck and Increase Wealth

Money Spell to Gain Wealth
This is an old habit in India to become wealthy and is very simple:
Get a coin (nickel or dime).
Take the coin and bless it by fire (heat it in a flame), bless it by wind (blow on it),
then water (drop it in water that you have empowered and purified),
then earth-bury it next to your front door.

Money Spell for Prosperity
Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also),
Green 8″ Taper Candle,
Heat-resistant bowl
It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days.
If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open.
This spell is used to create tangible prosperity.
Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother.
Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use in addition to your spell candle.
While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of your work.
Envision what it is that will make you prosperous.
For this spells’ purpose, we will use money as an example.
Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts.
While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell.
Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind.
Paper Notepads for Stationery & More
After bathing, go to your work area.
Cast a circle and light some protection incense.
Envision a large, green ball of light surrounding you and your work area.
Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your energy into the candle.
On a small piece of paper, write down what it is that you want (money, etc.).
Place this piece of paper under the candle holder.
Place the candle in its candle holder.
Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself):
“This candle represents the prosperity that will come to me”.
Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself):
“As the light of this flame grows, I can see prosperity around me.”
Sit back and watch the candle burn.
Envision what you will look like and feel like when your prosperity comes.
See yourself holding the money, feel the texture of it. “
As the flame of the candle dissipates with time-prosperity will be mine” and blow out the candle.
Repeat this for two more nights.
On the last night, burn the piece of paper with your written words on it and place the ashes into a bowl.
After the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled, combine the ashes and wax together and bury it in the earth as close to your home as possible.
Personalized Money Spell Generator
Choose up to 5 Ingredients for Your Money Spell:
Financial Alchemy: Transforming Poverty into Prosperity Spell
Attract Wealth and Success: A Powerful Money Spell
Lucky Wallet: Spell for Continuous Money Flow
Money Spell for Full Moon
Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it.
Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water.
Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon’s silver.
While doing this say:
“Lady of the Moon, bring to me your wealth soon.
Please, fill my hands with silver and gold. “
Repeat three times.
When finished, pour the water upon the earth.

Money Spell with Penny
Tools needed:
1 green candle,
1 non-burnable candle holder,
1 shiny penny,
3 green ( jade, malachite, adventurine, or a combination)
attraction stones,
Anointing Oil ( patchouli, clove, peppermint, frankincense, etc).
On a Friday night, during the waxing moon, anoint the green candle with the oil.
Starting at the mid-point and anointing in a docile upward motion to the wick, say:
“Lend power to my prayer to the Lord and Lady”, 3 times.
Starting at the mid-point again anoint the candle in a docile downward motion towards the base, repeating the charge.
Put the candle in the holder and place in the center of your alter.
Place the penny in front of the candle holder, about 1-1/2″ away.
Place the three stones around the candle holder, one to right, one to left, and one to center (between holder and penny).
Chant 3 times: “Money, money come to me, $_____ is what I need. If it harm none, this gift I seek, for even I ask not with greed.
And in days to come it shall help many, multiply, now, this shiny penny.”
Now light the green candle and stare into the flame.
Visualize the money coming to you from all directions.
See yourself using the money to advance your education.
See yourself graduating and accepting your diploma from this selected high school.
Keep visualizing all the good that will come from this.
When the candle has burned down completely, bury it somewhere in fertile soil on your property.
Then carry the penny around with you.
Spell for Debt Relief: Liberating Yourself from Financial Burdens
Money-Drawing Sigil: Harnessing Symbols for Prosperity
Green Candle Money Spell
Spell to Gain Money
pine needle,
cauldron spoon,
1 quarter,
1 dime,
1 nickel,
green candle
Cast the circle.
Light the green candle.
Drop the quarter, dim, and nickel into the water while saying:
“Silver is the color, color of the quarter, nickel, and dime.
Give me wealth, wealth to help my time.”
Drop the pine needle into the cauldron and stir the cauldron with the cauldron spoon while saying:
“The mix will make it multiply, with a blink of my eye. Leave the spirit be, and let it set free.”
Take the candle and hold it over the cauldron so that seven drops of candle wax falls into the cauldron.
Release the circle.
Money Spell for Fast Money for Education
Goddess Candle,
God Candle,
Incense (Angelica, Sandalwood, or Lotus),
Green Candle,
Good Luck Oil (Patchouli, Frankincense),
Black Candle,
Banishing Oil (Lavender, Pine, Juniper),
and a Petitioner Candle (color represents you)
Place Goddess candle upper left center on alter.
Place the God candle upper right center.
Place the petitioner left center beneath the Goddess candle.
Place the green and black candles right center beneath the God candle.
Light God/dess candles.
Light the incense.
Anoint the black candle with banishing oil, starting at mid-point and working in a docile upwards motion and say (3x):
“I charge this candle to attract and absorb, All negative forces working against my true will, Remove all obstacles as I go forward, Leaving success my wish to fulfill”.
Start at mid-point again and in a docile downward motion anoint the candle while repeating the charge 3x.
Anoint the green candle with the good luck oil, saying (3x):
“I charge this candle to bring to me, good luck, success, and prosperity, As it burns, a beacon bright, Shall all good forces join my rite”.
You don’t need to anoint the Petitioner candle.
Since this candle is representing you, focus strongly on, your educational goal. See yourself on the first day of school.
Light the candle saying:
“This candle represents (name), let it be a beacon for all positive forces and energies.
The flame represents the fire in (name)’s heart, burning bright with the ambition and desire to achieve a better formal education.”
Concentrate, directing your power to the Petitioner candle.
It is receiving energy from both you and the green candle.
After 10 minutes of visualizing the good forces and energies flowing from the green candle to the Petitioner candle, extinguish the three candles, (Petitioner, then the green, then the black).
Repeat this spell every day, moving the green candle closer (approx. 1/2″) to the petitioner candle.
The spell is complete when the two touch.
Amulet for Getting A Job
To help your chances, fill a green flannel bag with gravel root on a night when the moon is waxing.
Pass the bag through the rising smoke of a candle and/or incense (use a green or gold candle and any of the following herbs as a scent/incense: acacia, basil, bayberry, birthroot, luckyhand root, queen of the meadow, and say as you do so:
“By the four ancient elements I do consecrate this amulet and dedicate it as a tool of positive magick.”
Now consecrate it to the four elemental/directional spirits, saying:
“Ancient gods of the air, and all elemental spirits of the east, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light.”
“Ancient gods of the fire, and all elemental spirits of the sout, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light.”
“Ancient gods of the water, and all elemental spirits of the west, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light.”
“Ancient gods of the earth, and all elemental spirits of the north, let this amulet now be charged with the mystical energy of your divine white light.”
If you have tools to represent the elements and hold the bag up to the different directions you are praying to, it is a good idea but not necessary.
Finish off by blessing the goddess by saying something like:
“Blessed be in the name of the goddess and in the name of her consort. So mote it be.”
Make sure you have it with you whenever you go on a job interview or fill out an application.

Money Spell with Green Candle
You need:
green candle,
a glass,
small bowl or saucer,
some coins
Place the green candle in a small glass and place the glass in a small bowl or saucer.
Place coins in the bowl neatly around the candle and glass.
Bright new coins are best, the highest value you can spare e.g pounds.
Light the candle and say:
“Money flow, money grow Money shine, money mine.”
Say it three times and leave the candle to burn out.
Let it burn until there is nothing left.
For safety you should snuff out the candle if you go to bed, but make sure you light it again when you are in.