Love Spell to Get Your Ex Back
Use this spell to bring your lady or man back to you.
On a piece of gray cardboard, write your rival’s name.
Fill a plastic container with water and place in your freezer with the cardboard in it.
Then say the following six times;
Your Evil Intentions Shall Lie,
Within This Ice Until They Die
Venus Love Ritual – Use this Rite to Re-Kindle Passion with Your Ex.
Burn some rose scented incense on Friday night (Friday is ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love!).
Light two red candles (red for passion and arousal).
Then on two slips of paper, write the name of your lover, and add a drop of red wine if you are a man or a drop of perfume if you are a woman.
Place one piece of paper under each candle.
Put yourself in a sensuous mood and visualize your lover standing alone in a darkened void.
As the image becomes clearer in your mind, picture a bright red light beginning to surround him or her, gradually encircling their entire body.
After a couple of minutes, let the image slowly fade.
Perform this ritual for five (5) consecutive nights.
Make sure you are alone with your desired person on the sixth night for the ceremony to take its full effect!
More Secrets for Getting Your Lover Back:
To keep someone faithful, take a lock of their hair and rub it with ash and honey.
If they start to wander, repeat the spell.
To make a woman say she loves you, find a piece of black agate set in silver.
Wear this pendant for seven days and then give it to the woman of your choice.
If your man has left you, write your name and his on a piece of parchment in red ink.
Encircle the names three times and bury the parchment.
Your lover should soon return full of apologies.
If your man loses interest in you, write his name in red ink on a piece of paper and hide it under the telephone.
At the new moon, light a pink candle when you think he is most likely to ring.
Let the candle burn for half an hour while you concentrate on his image.
Do this for seven days.
Take a lock of hair from the person you desire.
At the night of a new moon, twist his/her hair together with a lock of your own and a red silk thread.
Add a drop of your blood to the hair to strengthen the spell.
Tie the hair and thread into a ring shape, if it is too short wrap it in a piece of red silk.
Keep this next to your skin until the person is yours.
Another way to make a man fall in love with you is to pick a blade of grass from his garden.
Leave before sunrise, put the grass in your mouth turn to the east and say;
Let the moon rising be my true love’s guide.
Then turn to the west and say;
And the moon setting, find him at my side.
To ensure your husband’s love for seven years, hang a bunch of yarrow (herb) over your bed.
If there is no reaction from him, put a pinecone under his side of the bed.
A Simple Seduction Spell:
On the night of the full moon, light a red candle while thinking of your desired one, and say the following three times;
Light The Flame, Bright The Fire,
Red Is The Color Of Desire.