Is Witchcraft a Religion?

Is Witchcraft a Religion?

Another hot topic for spirited and passionate discussion in the pagan community is whether or not witchcraft actually is a religion. Let’s begin by defining what we are discussing here. For convenience, we will be referring to Wicca, paganism and witchcraft as three separate terms with three separate meanings. We will be using the term “religion” to refer to all three of these topics.

The common understanding of a religion is something that is organized around an ancient religious text. There are various religions throughout the world, and there is a belief in both Christianity and Judaism that these three have been founded on the same beliefs and same spiritual principles.

Witches believe differently from religionists. If religion is about an ancient religious text, then witchcraft is about an ancient spiritual and psychological philosophy. Wiccans believe that there is an overall force that governs everything. This overarching force, known as “the Law of Attraction,” is a powerful yet unseen force that works behind the scenes. It is the reason why you get good things in life, even when things do not seem to work out the way you would want them to.

Wiccans believe that their practices are part of an ancient cycle that has been going on since the beginning of time. They believe that by practicing witchcraft, they are allowing this law of attraction to work for them. The Law of Attraction allows for the same thing, but it only manifests itself through their actions.

If you practice witchcraft, you are allowing the laws of the universe to be what they are naturally. Because of this, if you practice witchcraft you are allowing the universe to work its magic.

Many people who question whether or not a religion is real have a hard time believing that there can be a universal force behind a set of beliefs. When we look at history, it appears as though there is.

Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism were formed as a result of a great war. During that time, the three religions fought for control over the world. The religious wars led to the destruction of temples, the burning of religious texts and even the deaths of millions of people. Even after the destruction of those wars, these religions continue to fight over what is true. There are even more sects that are founded every day.

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