How to Do a Tarot Reading For Beginners
Getting a tarot reading can be intimidating for the beginner. But it can also be fun and rewarding. In this article, you will learn how to get into the right mindset before starting your reading. You will also learn about the different symbols in the tarot and how to spread the cards. Once you have these tools, you can begin to get a feel for the cards and the spread.
Getting present before a tarot reading
For beginners, one of the best ways to prepare for a tarot reading is to get in the right mindset. This can be done by setting up a ritual, lighting a candle, or using a room spray to clean the space. A simple ritual can also be as simple as listening to a favorite song without distraction. Then, when the time comes for the reading, you can get right to work!
Before your first tarot reading, try to think of your questions in advance. You can use the “Release” card to help you identify negative patterns and behaviours. Use the Begin, Release, and Sustain framework to identify what is serving you and what isn’t. The Release card can represent an emotion, thought, habit, or even a person. If the card represents you, consider letting go of it.
Before your tarot reading, be sure to prepare by meditating and getting in the mood for the reading. If you are able to get in the mood, you can begin by placing your cards facedown. The leftmost card is your past card. Before you start reading, make sure to research the meaning of your past card. The past card can represent emotions, people, and events that have happened in the past that have a profound impact on the present. The tarot cards can help you focus on the present moment.
The symbols that represent your cards come from human consciousness, and you can develop your intuition by experimenting with different types of decks. You can also experiment with different kinds of oracle cards. Trying out different kinds of decks can help you develop your intuition and create a more effective reading. One popular oracle deck is the Rider-Waite deck. Its simplicity and brevity make it a great place to start for beginners.
Getting familiar with the symbols of the tarot
There are two basic approaches to learning how to read tarot cards: intuition and becoming familiar with the symbols. Intuition is the key to tarot reading. Each person develops their own technique. Beginners will follow a step-by-step process to get to know the cards. The first step is getting familiar with the cards’ symbols. Once you have this information, you can move on to the next step, which is interpretation.
The second step is putting the symbols of the tarot in conversation. While it can be intimidating to read tarot cards for a stranger, it is easy to grasp and learn. The process of reading tarot cards is like learning a new language, and practicing makes perfect. While learning the basics of tarot is crucial for beginners, you may want to start with a book on the history of the tarot.
Getting familiar with the symbols of the scavenger’s path and the tarot’s history are important prerequisites for learning the basics of reading tarot cards. You can learn about them in a basic Tarot handbook, or online. A beginner’s guide to tarot reading includes instructions for reading the Celtic cross spread. It is also helpful to have an understanding of how the symbols are used in traditional tarot reading.
Writing in a journal is another important step to get familiar with the symbols of the tarotectors. Writing in a journal is a great way to develop a sense of confidence and independence, as tarot books do not always come with writing prompts. Writing daily is also a good way to learn about the symbols of the tarot. Then, once you have the basics down, you can turn to other resources for advice.
Getting a feel for the cards
One of the first things you should do when doing a tarot reading is to practice. The more you practice, the more intuitive you will become and you will begin to notice patterns in the cards’ meanings and relationships to the minor and major arcana. Professional tarot readers recommend that you write down your impressions about the cards, comparing them to books of tarot and writing journal entries. The process is never-ending and you will find new things each time you do a reading.
Another way to get a feel for the cards is to practice tarot spreads, which are the most common. Using the love, career, and health spread gives you a detailed look at these three pillars of life. While the most common spread is love, career, and health, you can read all the cards, including the tarot, by sharpening your intuition. If you’re a beginner, you should start with loose questions, as you can always get more specific with practice.
Before asking your questions, you should visualize that your question travels into the deck and down your arms. After you have visualized that the question travels in, cut the deck in half. You should have two piles of cards: one in the left pile and the other one in the right one. Flip over one of these piles and write down the meaning of the card. Once you’ve mastered the art of writing a good tarot question, you can start reading.
Once you’ve chosen a card, try to focus on it for a while and notice what it says to you. Focus on the images and the feelings that the card invokes. Remember to stay calm and focused. Remember to refer to your Tarot deck’s reference book when you’re unsure of the meaning of the cards. You can even use a Tarot spread for more detailed readings.
Getting a feel for the spread
When you’re doing a Tarot reading for beginners, you should start by shuffled the cards yourself. Focus on the important cards, and avoid the less-important ones. You should also avoid focusing on the spread’s structure and meaning. The main goal is to get a feel for the spread and how it works. You can practice your spread by imagining it as layers.
Once you’ve mastered the basics of reading the tarot cards, you should move on to more complicated spreads. You should avoid assuming that you have the right answer for your question. Tarot cards are multi-layered and may have multiple layers. Learn as much as you can about each one before attempting a reading for yourself or others. Getting a feel for the spread will help you understand the tarot cards better and become a more confident reader.
A three-card tarot reading can be helpful in assessing patterns or negative behaviours. The Release, Begin, and Sustain structure helps you identify things that no longer serve you and those that are working for you. The Release card can mean anything that you’d like to leave in the past. It could be a thought, feeling, habit, or person.
Another helpful way to get a feel for the spread when doing tarot reading for beginners is to pull a single card. This will give you a feel for the spread before you proceed with a full spread. The one-card spread is easy to master and will give you a feel for the cards. If you’re new to the tarot, it’s a good idea to practice pulling one card each day, preferably in the morning or evening.