How to Channel Spirits
Any spell you do must be followed through by actions if the spell is to be successful.
Whatever is needed to do, go do it after you cast the spell.
Also remember, if you are not open to the magick, no spell can work.
The most effective way to channel a spirit safely and privately, is by using a simple technique first used by the Romans.
Today, this is widely known as pendulum sessions.
The ancient romans would take a gold ring (such as a wedding band) and hang it from a chain about nine inches long.
They would then hold the ring over a stone bowl one third filled with water.
This works the same as a pendulum, or scrying.
The Romans believed the answers they were getting to be a very reliable source and took each session seriously.
Many people today still practice this ritual to speak with passed on friends or spirit guides.
You can easily try this as well.
The movement of the ring on the chain represents different simple answers to questions.
Front to back is yes, right to left is no, clockwise is I don’t know, and counter clockwise is I refuse to answer.
Also many people have reported getting images and full messages in the mind as they used this technique.
Magick is everywhere, energy is everywhere. Using rituals and ceremony you can take these random forces and make them work to your own benefit. Instead of accepting whatever fate has in store for you, take charge and write your own destiny. The future is not set in stone – it is fluid, and as such it can be influenced by people who know how – people who understand that the universe is there for them to share and use. But be sure to return some of your good fortune as you profit from magick. This is a way of thanking the universe for its generosity, and avoiding greed. If you use magick for greed it will eventually backfire on you.