How To Cast A Spell For Money

How to Cast A Spell For Money

This is an easy spell to learn how to cast a spell for money using White Magic.

To begin, prepare a bottle of the witch with ingredients easily found at home, with the intent of drawing money.

A bottle of the witch is simply a charm that is placed in the closet to attract everything you need in your life.

The idea is that this bottle with a cap will catch the desired qualities (i.e. wealth) in one place so it won’t stay away from you.

Use the bottle as a powerful tool in this spell to attract money to you.

You can also use herbs and silver in quantities of five (5), because this sacred number helps attract the most powerful energies of the universe to your life.

Ask your self these questions:

Do you need to manifest money right now?

How much money do you need?

Don’t think about it too much, just say whats the number that would solve your problems right now.

Focus on that number.

You will use that number to cast a spell for money

In a matter of moments, maybe a few hours, you will manifest the money that you need.

It is important that you are focused and your energy levels are low during this work of Magic.

You will need:

1 unused pin.

15 coins of any value.

1 dollar bill.

1 green candle.

Wooden matches.

1 mason jar.

The ritual begins in the night of a waxing moon.

Prepare by focusing your mind and relaxing.

Think of the number you stated before.

You must visualize the amount of money that you need.

Don’t be greedy, just what you need.

And always stay positive.

Place the coins and the rolled bill inside the mason jar.

Use the pin to carve the candle.

Write the following words:

Money, Blessings.

Carve your number too.

Place the jar in the center of your altar or table.

Light the candle with a wooden match.

While you let the candle burn, say in a loud voice and with confidence:

I thank the universe for the money that I receive.

Meditate for 5 minutes.

Snuff out the candle.

If you haven’t received the money by tomorrow, light the candle again for 5 minutes.

Keep doing this and always say thank you.

You will receive the money soon.

Once its done, burn the candle all the way and toss the remains.

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