Being A Solitary Witch

Practicing Witchcraft Alone

by Raven Moon

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Sometimes it is necessary to practice witchcraft alone. This is your personal choice and sometimes one that is for the best. It is not always practical or feasible to find a coven in your neighborhood or area. Even if you wanted to be out as a witch you still might not find people close to you to guide or journey with you. Because some witches can’t find others with the same interests it is sometimes a good choice to practice witchcraft alone. There is no special way to become a solitary witch. Most witches initiate themselves. Witchcraft is sometimes best as an individual journey, so take the time to really explore magick deeply.

Being A Solitary Witch

Solitary witches have been revered throughout the centuries as wise witches with inherent powers. These witches have been said to have been witches in seven previous lifetimes. Because of being witches in previous lives these witches have already learned all they needed to know about witchcraft, holding in them all the knowledge they could ever need. Being a solitary witch has definite advantages for the serious practitioners of witchcraft. Most solitary witches use magick in their daily lives with great success even without any formal training. These witches are becoming masters of the craft in their bedrooms and homes.

If you are a solitary witch it is important to read as much as you can about witchcraft. While you can find many interesting articles online, it is sometimes best to buy a home study course or a series of books for more detailed study. You can find good books and ebooks on places like Amazon and ClickBank. Study information and use the information that fits in with your personal beliefs. Read as much information as you can even if you don’t use any of it. It may come in handy at a later date or it may inspire you in some other way.

In ancient times most villages would have a wise woman who knew about healing techniques and how to use herbs to make potions or spell brews. These wise women would use various techniques like divination, astral projection, remote viewing, energy readings, tarot readings and more. These wise women sought to master different aspects of witchcraft. Many of these women would be considered a solitary witch. Usually women but sometimes a man, these witches would become experts on magick of all kinds, and from all traditions.

Kitchen witches are witches who excel in brews, teas, and potions. They are usually a lone, solitary witch who effectively uses herbs and other earth elements to make powerful potions and spell brews. Most spells you find online can be carried out by a solitary witch. You can customize the spell to be effective for you. Whether you are a solitary witch or practice with a coven you will need the same type of knowledge and skills to use magick effectively.


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