Bay Leaf Money Spell

Bay Leaf Money Spells

Hold a bay leaf and begin to channel your desires, intentions and desires into it. Write your wishes and intentions on the sheet with a Sharpie or work on holding the sheet and imagine it as you like it. Write them down and enter the feeling that your wishes have been fulfilled, and keep them with you, such as in a bag or wallet.

Take as much time as you need to focus on your energy, feelings and visualizations on the bay leaf. Once you are ready to have your protective intentions for your home in mind, place bay leaves in a cauldron and set them on fire. You can also allow the leaves to burn as you move around your house, which can cause smoke to spread to other parts of your house.

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The consumption of whole bay leaves is not safe, as they are indigestible to humans and can settle in the digestive tract. Fresh and dried bay leaves can be used for cooking because of their distinctive taste and fragrance. If your bay leaves do not burn, use pliers to hold the leaf while you light candles while it burns, and place it in a refractory container.

A Variety of Bay Leaf Money Spells…

Spell NameMaterialsInstructions
Bay Leaf Manifestation SpellA bay leaf, Green or gold markerWrite your financial goal on one side of the bay leaf. Hold the bay leaf and visualize achieving your goal. Place it in a visible location.
Bay Leaf and Candle SpellBay leaves, Green candlePlace a green candle on a clean surface. Surround the candle with bay leaves. Light the candle and focus on your intention. Collect the bay leaves after the candle burns.
Bay Leaf Abundance Jar SpellSmall jar, Bay leaves, CoinsFill the jar with bay leaves and coins. Visualize increased wealth as you shake the jar. Place the jar in a prominent location. Add spare change to the jar over time. Use or donate the money when the jar is full.

The most common manifestation of wishful spells, which works for many people, is the burning of bay leaves. Manifesting money is not as easy as writing on a bay leaf and burning it to manifest it.

A full moon is the best lunar time and a waxing moon is when you want to manifest money.

bay leaf money spell

I’ve been using bay leaves for years to raise money for new customers, new cars, laptops and the list goes on.

By powering your mind with strong intentions, you can manifest yourself with three of the simplest and most powerful spells that can be applied to bay leaves.

Bay leaf spells are associated with wealth and abundance, so money and financial desires pack an extra punch.

Bay Leaf Prosperity Sigil SpellBay leaf, Gold or silver pen, Candle, CrystalDraw a prosperity sigil on the bay leaf. Surround it with a crystal and a lit candle. Meditate on your goals. Keep the bay leaf and crystal as a reminder.
Bay Leaf Money Magnet SpellBay leaves, Green candle, Lodestone or magnet, Money drawing oilAnoint the candle with money drawing oil. Place the candle, bay leaves, and lodestone together. Visualize attracting wealth. Chant a prosperity affirmation. Keep the lodestone as a money magnet.
Bay Leaf Manifestation Envelope SpellBay leaf, Small envelope, Pen, Small amount of moneyWrite your financial goal on the bay leaf. Place the bay leaf and a small amount of money into the envelope. Seal the envelope while visualizing your goal. Keep the envelope in a secure place.
Bay Leaf Money Bath SpellBay leaves (a handful), Warm bathwaterPlace a handful of bay leaves in your bathwater. Visualize financial abundance. Envision any financial obstacles washing away. Keep the bay leaves as a reminder of your goals.
Bay Leaf Candle Money Attraction SpellBay leaves, Green candle, CoinsArrange bay leaves around a green candle. Place coins near the candle. Light the candle, focusing on attracting money. Keep the coins in your wallet as a continued attraction.

Many Greeks and Romans believed that the leaves of the golden laurel protected them from the gods and goddesses responsible for thunder and lightening.

The ritual of manifesting the laurel leaf has worked for me for a number of things that I have tried to attract. Let’s go a little deeper into specific situations and how burning bay leaves can attract exactly what you want.

Some believe that linking bay leaves with money helps the monetary aspect of life and those who deserve it.

Bay leaves possess powerful magical properties that can fulfill desires.

A laurel leaf in your wallet is a strong talisman that can attract money, so if you’re in financial trouble as usual, a laurel leaf wallet can help you get rid of it.

Monetary altars can be large and elaborate, but you don’t have to do it with something small and simple. Collect the things you find in your house that symbolize prosperity, and find a space to create an altar.

Add coins, light candles, burn incense, pray, meditate, write down your intentions. As I said, you can manifest what you want as long as you are willing to trust the process.

Bay Leaf Money Magnet Spell:


Bay leaves

Green candle

Lodestone or magnet

Money drawing oil (or olive oil as a substitute)


  1. Anoint the green candle with the money drawing oil, focusing on infusing it with your financial intentions.
  2. Place the candle in a candle holder and surround it with bay leaves.
  3. Set the lodestone or magnet near the candle, envisioning it as a powerful attractor of wealth.
  4. Light the candle and meditate on the flame, feeling the energy of abundance growing around you.
  5. As the candle burns, chant a prosperity affirmation, such as “Money flows to me easily and abundantly.”
  6. Allow the candle to burn completely, and keep the lodestone or magnet in your wallet or near your financial documents as a continuous money magnet.

The more energy and effort you put into your thoughts and dreams, the more likely they are to come true. A bay leaf can evoke enough emotions to draw energy from a particular intention on which you can concentrate.

Bay Leaf Prosperity Sigil Spell:


Bay leaf

Gold or silver pen

Candle (color of your choice)

Crystal (e.g., citrine or green aventurine)


  1. Begin by meditating to clear your mind and focus your intention on prosperity.
  2. On the bay leaf, draw a prosperity sigil that represents your financial goals using the gold or silver pen.
  3. Place the bay leaf in the center of a sacred space, and surround it with the crystal and the candle.
  4. Light the candle, symbolizing the illumination of your financial path.
  5. Meditate on the sigil, visualizing your goals manifesting. Feel the energy of abundance flowing towards you.
  6. Allow the candle to burn completely. Keep the bay leaf and crystal together in a pouch or on your altar as a reminder of your prosperous intentions.

It is the intention, the emotion, the affirmation that you send into the universe. For example, pull a number from the sky and say you want a trillion dollars.


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