Basic Invocations

Basic Invocations

To invoke means to call inward. An invocation is used when attempting to draw the powers of some entity into yourself to strengthen your abilities to perform a task. You may also wish to gain an intimate  understanding of that entity.

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A number of very old invocations exist, but this does not mean you must use them. You may formulate your own invocations, but you must first have a working knowledge of the being or power you intend to call upon.

Read extensively and note the characteristics attributed to who or what you intend to invoke. Review these carefully and be absolutely sure that they fit the work you will be doing.

There is no shortage of talents in the Otherworld, so be very specific in your choices. If you intend to make a sword, for example, you may need the help of a being associated with metalworking and, since the sword is a weapon, you may also want to call on those Otherworld personalities having to do with war and the martial arts, of which you will find many.

It will prove necessary for you to choose from this multitude those entities most aligned to the purpose you intend for the sword.

 If this sword is to be strictly a tool of war, it would be appropriate to seek the help of those beings that are associated with the resolution of conflicts by force of arms and those known as patrons of warriors preparing for battle.

If the sword is to be used for magical purposes, the darker forces of war may have to be replaced with those involved in the more esoteric functions of a bladed weapon like the command of the forces of Air and the severing of spiritual ties that you may feel are detrimental to you.

If your intent is to endow the sword with specific characteristics, seek the aid of those who are powerful sources of such energies. It may also prove necessary to use certain invocations for making the sword and others to charge it toward its ultimate purpose.

Ritual tools may be used for a great variety of tasks that extend their range beyond the simple charge used to originally consecrate them. Keeping in mind the basic attributes of a given tool, feel free to invoke forces that might be more specific your needs at the moment, inviting them to join with those already present in the tool itself.

A simple method for invoking power (charging) any tool:

  • Find a place where you will not be disturbed. If possible, be outdoors where your tool may most easily be in contact with the forces you will invoke.
  • Invoke those forces appropriate to the nature of the tool first. Holding the tool in your power hand, say;

I charge this (name of tool)

That it may serve me,(Your name) in all my work.

Power of (element, archetype, or deity),

Enter this (tool).

So Mote It Be.

(Repeat second sentence for each of the powers you intend to invoke.)

Present the tool to each representative of the powers you have invoked to charge the instrument. In the case of an element, consecrate the tool with that element. For Air, you may blow on the instrument; for fire, run it through a candle flame; douse or immerse it for Water; Place it in the earth or in salt for the powers of Earth.

If you have called upon any personalities (including archangels, gods, or mythological archetypes), it is appropriate to salute them with the tool while facing the direction attributed to that entity.

You may also use an invoking pentagram drawn in the air to attract such forces. Use your finger or any appropriate tool that has already been consecrated, such as a wand, sword, or knife.

It is not absolutely necessary that you perform such a rite in a Circle, although the Circle does help concentration. If you do choose to use a Circle, be sure to thank any entities you may have invoked.

Good manners are smiled upon by the gods.

I like to consecrate all of my ritual tools, including candles and anything else I use in the Circle, with my own oil to truly personalize the implement. I make this oil by adding three drops of my blood and a small amount of material associated with my Wiccan name to a base of olive oil.

I draw an invoking pentacle on the device itself while saying a final “So Mote It Be” at the end of the consecration.



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