Astrological Moon Phases – The Best Times for Healing Rituals

Astrological Moon Phases – The Best Times for Healing Rituals

Astrological Moon Phases.

Moon in Aries:

This is the best time to work magick involving leadership, authority, rebirth, spiritual conversation, or will power. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Taurus:

This is the best time to work magick for love, real estate, material acquisitions and money. Healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck and ears are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Gemini:

This is the best time to work magick for good communication, change of residence, writing, public relations and travel. Healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders and arms, hands, or lungs are also done in this period of time.

Moon in Cancer:

This is the best time to work magick for home and domestic life. Healing rituals for ailments of the chest and stomach are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Leo:

This is the best time to work magick involving authority, power over others, courage, fertility, or childbirth. Healing rituals for the ailments of the upper back, spine, or heart are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Virgo:

This is the best time to work magick-involving employment, intellectual matters, health, and dietary needs or concerns. Healing rituals for the ailments of the intestines or nervous system are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Libra:

This is the best time to work magick involving artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation and karmic spiritual or emotional balance. Healing rituals for the ailments of the lower back or kidneys are also done during this period of time.

Moon in Scorpio:

This is the best time to work magick involving sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets and fundamental transformations. Healing rituals for the ailments of the reproductive organs are also done in this period of time.

Moon in Sagittarius:

This is the best time to work magick for publications, legal matters, travel, and truth. Healing rituals for the ailments of the liver, thighs or hips are also done at this time.

Moon in Capricorn:

This is the best time to do magick for organization, ambition, recognition, career and political matters. Healing rituals for the ailments of knees, bones, teeth, and skin are also done at this time.

Moon in Aquarius:

This is the best time to work magick involving science, freedom, creative expression, problem solving, extra-sensory abilities, friendships, and breaking bad habits or unhealthy addictions. Healing rituals for the ailments of the calves, ankles, or blood are also done in this period of time.

Moon in Pisces:

This is the best time to work magick involving dream work, clairvoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts. Healing rituals for the ailments of the feet or lymph nodes are also done at this time.

Magick is everywhere, energy is everywhere. Using rituals and ceremony you can take these random forces and make them work to your own benefit. Instead of accepting whatever fate has in store for you, take charge and write your own destiny. The future is not set in stone – it is fluid, and as such it can be influenced by people who know how – people who understand that the universe is there for them to share and use. But be sure to return some of your good fortune as you profit from magick. This is a way of thanking the universe for its generosity, and avoiding greed. If you use magick for greed it will eventually backfire on you.

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