The Asatru Altars
So you want to make an Asatru altar, but what should you put on it? Here are some basic guidelines for the creation of an Asatru altar: symbols, places, and cost. The purpose of the altar is to provide a place for ritual and spiritual practice, and any object you choose should be meaningful to you. In general, the more natural the materials, the more convenient they will be for the altar.

To create an Asatru altar, follow a few basic principles. Place a candle on the Southern edge of the altar (it symbolizes the element fire), and a cup of water on the Western side. The stone should represent the element earth. These are also symbolic of the four cardinal directions. In addition to the traditional talismans, a candle can be lit from a match or lighter.
A Thor’s hammer and a sacred elm branch are also traditional elements to place on an Asatru altar. Both of these represent battles between good and evil. A Thor’s hammer, for example, is a great symbol of victory over evil, and can be placed on the altar to invoke the Gods. Other symbols include trolls and giants. The Thor’s hammer and the horns are particularly common. The Runic language is also commonly found on an Asatru altar.
Symbols of an Asatru altar may include a flower vase, a pitcher of water or juice, or salt and pepper shakers. All of these items can represent different intentions or energies. Besides the flowers, a person may also place candles and salt and pepper shakers on the altar. By placing all of these items on an altar, they may invite different kinds of spirits to come and visit.
In addition to candles, other symbols may be included on an altar. A Quan Yin altar could include a statue of compassion centered in the center. Other symbols might include a bowl of rice, which symbolizes fertility, images of lotus flowers, or a small turtle sculpture, which represents the sea and the water. Changing the symbols on an Asatru altar can reflect your own personal relationship with the goddess, enhancing your intention, and bringing about positive changes in your life.
Aside from the rituals, the Purposes of an Asatru Altar are often the inspiration for daily practices. A daily practice may include using an angel altar to hold intention cards or affirmations. It may also involve rituals involving daily rituals, such as chanting or meditating. These practices can take many days or sessions to complete. By periodically bringing new objects to your altar, you can refresh your spiritual practice.
Besides flowers, candles, and runes, an Asatru altar can contain other objects for use during rituals. It can include statues, symbols, or photographs of ancestors. Sometimes it will be appropriate to add items that represent local wights, such as coins, beads, or salt and pepper shakers. Other items to put on the altar include a cloth or bowl to cast the runes and candles.
Besides a table or a bookcase, an Asatru altar can be placed anywhere in the house. Most Heathens clear a shelf or table for the altar. Others use bookcase shelves. The main thing to remember when selecting an altar location is that the altar space should be set aside for rituals. A bookcase shelf can house other things as well, so make sure to choose a place that will be sacred and accessible.
To begin creating an altar, you should choose a location that is conducive to your magical practice. An altar can add sanctity and focus to your magic practice. Setting an altar helps you focus, which is especially important during rituals. You can also use an altar to set intentions together. Asatru altars are often accompanied by rituals and readings. For example, a ritual may require a candle.
An altar can be placed anywhere in the home, and there are many ways to decorate them. Most Heathens clear a shelf or table in their home for their altar. Others use the shelves of a bookcase. It’s important to have a clear space for your altar; otherwise, you could use it for other things. Then, choose a location where the space is private. A bookcase shelf, for example, could be a place for your altar and no other things.
In addition to making the space for your altar, you can also choose the objects you wish to include in your Asatru altar. There are no set rules for the design or placement of an Asatru altar, but it should look beautiful and comfortably house your ritual implements. You can decorate the altar with symbols of the Gods and seasonally appropriate decorations. If you’re a beginner to Asatru, there are many resources online that will help you set up a beautiful altar.
You can also build elaborate altars to remember your ancestors on special days, such as the Dia de los Muertos. Some people choose to make altars to their ancestors for a limited time each year, while others build permanent altars to honor all their ancestors. Either way, an altar can be a valuable tool for contacting the other side. If you choose to use a traditional Asatru altar, consider how to personalize it by adding items that speak to you.
In addition to statues of the gods, you can place photos of ancestors or items that are meaningful to you. You can also place items that symbolize local wights, such as bowls for offerings. Your altar should also include a cloth on which to cast the runes and a place to set the items. Ultimately, your altar will be a living, evolving element that changes as you grow spiritually.
You’ll want to consider how much you want to spend on an Asatru altar, ranging from $300 to $5,000. While there are many styles and types to choose from, you’ll definitely need to pay close attention to the size of your altar. Despite the size of the altar, the most important thing is that it has a special meaning for you. If you’re setting up an outdoor altar, it’s important to consider its longevity and how often you’ll need to move it.
If you’re planning on burning a large amount of wood, make sure it’s a white wood, as this is associated with fire and action. Also, consider if you want to add symbols from Norse Mythology, such as Thor’s hammer or Freya. These symbols are also traditionally made of wood, with black or dark staining. A low gloss Danish oil finish is recommended, as well.
If you’re planning on using your Asatru altar to perform rituals, make sure to keep the location clean and well-lit. If you don’t plan on having your altar outside, you might want to put it in a room where the spirits can visit. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time inside the altar, consider using a candle or incense. You can also place a statue of the Goddess or other deities in your altar.
You should also clean your altar tools before using them. Although they don’t necessarily need to be blessed, they should be cleansed before use. Some people use dried plants or herbs to cleanse their altar items. Others hold their altar tools in a cauldron of smoke while they burn. Rosemary is a popular plant used for cleansing. Another great plant to use for cleansing is sage, which is known to protect and heal.
The decoration of an Asatru altar consists of many different aspects. Objects on the altar can include various items such as holiday sumbel and blot, and the layout of these objects can be a personal preference. For instance, the blot can be placed on the left side of the altar, and the earth, air, and fire on the right. Symbols of the Gods may also be placed on the altar, and the altar can be decorated with seasonal items.
For the center of the altar, the pentacle and the wand should be placed. A cup and an athame can also be placed here. A bottle opener, although not a holy one, has special significance in the ritual. Alcoholic beverages are traditionally drunk with a toast, and while mead is the traditional beverage of choice, other drinks may also be served as offerings. However, these are only two of the many aspects of the altar decoration.
The Armenian Rite’s altar is located against the eastern wall of the church. It is typically rectangular in shape, and features steps that lead up to the altar. The altar may also contain a tabernacle, candles, and ceremonial fans. Some Asatru altars also have a Gospel Book. The Coptic altars are generally located under a baldric, and are typically more elaborately decorated.
The placement of an altar will depend on how you live and how much space you have to devote to this sacred ritual. Some people place their altar on the main area of the home, while others place it in a room dedicated to the ritual. A personal altar, however, should be large enough for you to be able to walk around. You may also choose to build a mini shrine in the backyard. There are various options for altar placement, including a garden slab and even an existing piece of furniture.