An Easy Spell for Beauty

Beauty spells are a common form of spellcasting that are believed to enhance one’s physical appearance or inner beauty. Here are some tips that you may find helpful when casting a beauty spell:

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  1. Set a clear intention: Be clear about what you hope to achieve with this spell. Visualize yourself feeling beautiful and confident.
  2. Choose correspondences: Choose correspondences, such as crystals, herbs, or colors, that are associated with beauty or self-confidence. Some examples include rose quartz, lavender, and pink.
  3. Cast your circle: Create a sacred space and cast your circle to protect yourself from negative energy or interference.
  4. Focus your energy: Focus your energy on your intention and repeat a mantra or affirmation to help strengthen your spell.
  5. Use visualization: Visualize yourself radiating beauty from within. Imagine yourself as beautiful, confident, and radiant.
  6. Express gratitude: Thank the universe, your spirit guides, or any other higher power that you believe in for their assistance in manifesting your intention.
  7. Close your circle: Close your circle using your preferred method and ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths.

Remember, it is important to approach any magical practice with caution and respect. Before casting any spell or performing any ritual, it’s essential to do your research and ensure that you understand the potential risks and consequences. You may also wish to seek guidance from a trained professional if you are new to spellcasting or have any concerns about your practice.

An Easy Spell for Beauty

Beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder.

Instead, it’s a reflection of our feelings about ourselves.

When we dwell on our “defects” (no human body is perfect),

we lessen our inward and outward beauty.

This ritual is designed to increase our good feelings for ourselves,

which is reflected in the image we present to others.

Thus, it increases beauty.

This is a simple rite.

Hold five pennies in your projective hand.

Visualize yourself as a beautiful person.

Don’t see yourself as your favorite movie stars,

who have make-up artists, lighting directors,

and cinematographers, who assisted them.

Visualize yourself as a loving,

open person radiating beauty.

Pour this image into the pennies.

Toss one into the well while saying:

I allow myself to be beautiful.

I accept beauty.

Repeat this with the remaining four coins.

It is done.

  1. What is a beauty spell?

A beauty spell is a type of spell that is designed to enhance one’s physical appearance or inner beauty. It typically involves the use of correspondences such as crystals, herbs, or colors, as well as visualization, affirmations, and energy work.

  1. How do I cast a beauty spell?

To cast a beauty spell, you should first set a clear intention for what you hope to achieve with the spell. Next, choose correspondences that are associated with beauty and confidence, such as rose quartz, lavender, and pink. You can then cast your circle, focus your energy on your intention, and use visualization to see yourself feeling beautiful and confident.

  1. Are beauty spells effective?

The effectiveness of a beauty spell may depend on a variety of factors, including the skill of the practitioner, the strength of their intention, and the energy of the environment in which the spell is cast. As with any form of magic or spirituality, results are not guaranteed and should not be relied upon as the sole solution to any problem.

  1. Can beauty spells have negative consequences?

As with any form of spellcasting or energy work, there is always a risk of unintended consequences when casting a beauty spell. It is important to approach any magical practice with caution and respect, and to take the time to understand the potential risks and consequences before casting a spell.

  1. Should I seek guidance from a professional before casting a beauty spell?

If you are new to spellcasting or have any concerns about your practice, it may be helpful to seek guidance from a trained professional, such as a practitioner of witchcraft or other spiritual practices. They can help you understand the potential risks and consequences of spellcasting, and can provide guidance on best practices for casting spells safely and effectively.

Beauty Spell


Pink candle
Rose quartz crystal
Lavender essential oil
Pink ribbon
Small piece of paper
Pen or pencil


Set your intention: Sit in a quiet space and focus on your intention for the spell. Visualize yourself feeling beautiful and confident.

Prepare your materials: Light the pink candle and place it in front of you. Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hand and place the piece of paper and pen or pencil next to you.

Cast your circle: Create a sacred space and cast your circle using your preferred method.

Write your intention: On the piece of paper, write your intention for the spell. For example, "I am beautiful and confident in my own skin."

Anoint the candle: Using the lavender essential oil, anoint the candle by rubbing a few drops of oil onto the top of the candle and visualizing your intention as you do so.

Focus your energy: Take a deep breath and focus your energy on your intention. Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hand and visualize yourself feeling beautiful and confident.

Light the candle: Light the pink candle and hold the piece of paper with your intention over the flame. Visualize the flame igniting your intention and filling you with positive energy.

Tie the ribbon: Once the paper has been slightly burnt, take the pink ribbon and tie it around the piece of paper, creating a small bundle. As you do so, visualize your intention becoming stronger and more vibrant.

Charge the crystal: Hold the rose quartz crystal over the flame of the candle and visualize it becoming charged with your intention.

Express gratitude: Thank the universe, your spirit guides, or any other higher power that you believe in for their assistance in manifesting your intention.

Close your circle: Close your circle using your preferred method and ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths.


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