A Spell to Get Rid of Depression

A Spell to Get Rid of Depression

Any spell you do, must be followed through by the appropriate actions, if the spell is to be successful.

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Whatever is needed to do, go do it after you cast the spell.

Also remember, if you are not open to the magick, no spell can work.

A Spell to Get Rid of Depression.

a collection of 50 spells

Tools you will need are:

Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also),

One Yellow 8″ Taper Candle.

It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days.
If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open.

This spell is used to uplift your energy and overcome depression.
Read over this spell and customize it prior to use, so that the work will go much smoother.

Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use.

While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of your work.
Imagine how good it feels to be happy.

Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind! Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell.

Again, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light your incense.

Envision a large, yellow ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the yellow candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle.

Place the candle in its candle holder.

Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself):

“This candle represents the love and energy I have for myself”.
Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself):

“As I light this candle, the veil of darkness that is ever present in my mind is lifting. The darkness ceases to exist as the light of this flame glows. Long has the darkness filled my mind, my desire to be happy is intense like the heat of fire. As this candle burns, my spirits are lifting and the negative energy is washing away. I will be happy, my life will be peaceful. I can see myself as I wish to be-happy and free!”

Sit back and watch the candle burn.
Meditate on how good it feels to be happy and envision the veil of darkness lifting.
When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say:
“As the flame of the candle is extinguished-the light burns forever in my mind”, and blow out the candle.

Repeat this for two more nights. On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled, throw away the leftover wax into the trash. You will overcome your depression!

Magick is everywhere, energy is everywhere. Using rituals and ceremony you can take these random forces and make them work to your own benefit. Instead of accepting whatever fate has in store for you, take charge and write your own destiny. The future is not set in stone – it is fluid, and as such it can be influenced by people who know how – people who understand that the universe is there for them to share and use. But be sure to return some of your good fortune as you profit from magick. This is a way of thanking the universe for its generosity, and avoiding greed. If you use magick for greed it will eventually backfire on you.


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