A Spell for An Old Flame – Increase Your Love & Passion

An Old Flame – Increase Your Love & Passion

A few simple candle rituals to increase love and passion.

The candles used in the rituals below need to burn for  

approximately 15 minutes.

If you wish to strengthen the spells,

let them burn longer.

Always remember to concentrate on your objectives

while the candles are alight.

Take two pink candles, light them and place one on

either side of your bed during a full moon.

Light them at midnight only and write your

lover’s name on two pieces of paper,

which you will put under the burning candles.

Continue to light the candles at midnight

for three nights and your

desired partner’s affection will be yours.

Burn a green and a red candle to

prevent disloyalty in a relationship.

Light one green candle and one

purple candle to restore domestic harmony.

To break up a love affair,

light one green and one black candle.

This is a powerful negative combination.

Burn a light blue candle every morning at

sunrise for seven  consecutive days.

This will protect you from evil influences and

promote harmony in a

love relationship.

Also helps to prevent quarrelling!

Magick is everywhere, energy is everywhere. Using rituals and ceremony you can take these random forces and make them work to your own benefit. Instead of accepting whatever fate has in store for you, take charge and write your own destiny. The future is not set in stone – it is fluid, and as such it can be influenced by people who know how – people who understand that the universe is there for them to share and use. But be sure to return some of your good fortune as you profit from magick. This is a way of thanking the universe for its generosity, and avoiding greed. If you use magick for greed it will eventually backfire on you.

Did you know that Magic spells come in many different styles, traditions, formats and for different specific purposes. For example, love spells are a very popular branch of magic. Click here to learn more.

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